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Joined: 2010/12/16
Posts: 1

 Nice place

I've been reviewing this site for several days and felt the need to sign up. The content is truly astounding. Most of the speakers I have never even heard of but see them as a rich source, useful in assisting me with my walk in the Lord.

In our present day it is difficult to find Godly men who will preach the Word of God. I myself am in a fine Bible church, but there are many who are hungering for God's Word to be preached who are not being fed. May God richly bless each one of you on the journey.

 2010/12/16 19:57Profile

Joined: 2008/7/16
Posts: 2

 Re: Nice place

You are right this is a rich source of known and unknown preachers, teachers, prophets of God. You'll be greatly blessed (and convicted, most likely) by the content.

 2010/12/16 22:02Profile

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean

 Re: Nice place

Welcome to SI Origen. There are some excellent sermons on here that Jesus has used to radically alter my heart and are bearing real fruit in my life. Here are a few I recommend personally, however it is certain you will find some that appeal to you more than others.

"The Way of Cain" by Zac Poonen

This is a sermon about being committed to the work of God for his sake, and having integrity and not being a bitter minister of the gospel.

"A Time to Cry," by David Legge

This sermon is about how many evil workers are infiltrating the houses of God across our lands, and how we are to be driven to cry out to God for deliverance. And it is a call for men to lay axes to the thick roots of sin.

"And they Crucified Him," by Art Katz

This message is all about the cross and what the cross demands. This message shakes me to the core each time I listen.

"A Grain of Wheat," by Major Ian Thomas

This message transports the gospel message in as condensed a form I have ever heard, and places its seed within your heart for germination. There is a line in this sermon that I quote pretty much...all the time.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/12/16 22:08Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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