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Stephen Kaung 04

Stephen Kaung 04

Description: In my contact with God's people in many places, I've discovered that the greatest need among God's people is to catch that heavenly vision. Thank God that God's people are blessed, by the grace of God, He has not only enabled us to receive salvation; thank God that we know that our sins have been forgiven, thank God that we know that He has given us His own eternal life. Thank God that He has blessed us with many blessings. But brothers and sisters, the greatest needs among God's people today is to catch that heavenly vision, because without it, we really do not have a purpose for our life. What is the purpose of our Spiritual life? Why is it that God should save us; out of multitudes of people that the grace of God should come upon us? Is it so that we may be free? Is it so that we may live our own lives? Is it just that we may enjoy the blessings that God has blessed us with? Brothers and sisters, that would make us very selfish. That would make us very self-centered. If we believe in the Lord Jesus and we become a self- centered people, how will that give glory to God?

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