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Stephen Kaung

Stephen Kaung

Description: It is important even in this world. You know, in this world, if people do not have vision, or in other words, if people do not have a dream, if people do not have a goal, if people do not have a strong ambition, if people do not want to obtain to something, then that person can do nothing. If you want to be successful in this world, you have to have an ambition, to have an impelling force within you; there is something you want to arrive at. And you are willing to pay any cost for it; you will be able to endure hardship, you are able to sacrifice many things in order to get what you are after. So we find that even in this world vision or dream, or ambition is very, very essential. Otherwise our lives will just be mediocre. Or our life will just be drifting. We will not be able to succeed in anything.

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