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     Topic Replies Poster Views Date
   South African Pastor Calls Prosperity Gospel Damaging, Asks 'Where Are We Heading To?' 2 sermonindex 1099 2013/7/12 14:21:59
by havok20x
   Egypt: Christian Beheaded as Islamist Violence Escalates 1 SHMILY 742 2013/7/11 22:58:12
by dohzman
   Actress Leah Remini quits Scientology after years of 'interrogations' 0 Anonymous660 2013/7/11 14:57:54
by Anonymous
   Hundreds call to adopt Down syndrome baby, save it from abortion 0 Anonymous660 2013/7/10 11:20:48
by Anonymous
   With all the recent dramatic news, this was conveniently buried 4 Anonymous936 2013/7/10 7:29:32
by proudpapa
   Federal Workers Ordered to Spy on One Another 0 Anonymous634 2013/7/10 0:23:37
by Anonymous
   German Home-School Parents Appeal Asylum Ruling 1 proudpapa 964 2013/7/9 23:17:45
by proudpapa
    Big Brother alert: Cameras in the cable box to monitor TV viewers - Washington Times 2 sermonindex 851 2013/7/8 11:51:56
by Anonymous
   Harper PMO gets letters for funding Christian aid group that insulted gays 0 MichaelLiao 751 2013/7/7 15:54:00
by MichaelLiao
   American Preacher Arrested in London for Saying that Homosexuality is a Sin. Is This A Foretaste?   (1, 2) 17 Oracio 4332 2013/7/7 9:46:05
by rjennings
   Abortion Supporters Chant 'Hail Satan!' to Drown Out Pro-Lifers Singing 'Amazing Grace' 1 sermonindex 1664 2013/7/6 16:19:41
by ccchhhrrriiisss
   Street preachers attacked at gay "pride" event... 0 ccchhhrrriiisss 796 2013/7/6 16:17:43
by ccchhhrrriiisss
   78,000 Latinos Accept Jesus Through BGEA Website Targeted at Hispanics 2 turn 691 2013/7/6 11:40:13
by turn
   NSA Surveillance Disclosures Recall Days of East German STASI 1 sermonindex 1062 2013/7/6 10:38:01
by Anonymous
   Calif. lawmakers pass K-12 transgender-rights bill 0 sermonindex 586 2013/7/5 9:37:29
by sermonindex
   The Evangélicos - Time Magazine 2 turn 960 2013/7/5 8:13:32
by turn
   And yet darker days are still to come... 0 MaryJane 467 2013/7/4 10:13:10
by MaryJane
   Russian President Putin Signs Law Outlawing Gay Propaganda 0 sermonindex 900 2013/7/4 9:52:05
by sermonindex
   Egypt Ousts President and his Islamist Cabinet. 0 UntoBabes 623 2013/7/3 17:34:19
by UntoBabes
   Canada provides refuge for Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy 0 sermonindex 599 2013/7/2 10:36:30
by sermonindex

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