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     Topic Replies Poster Views Date
   An alarming video every westerner should see 9 anonymity 1431 2009/4/21 23:13:22
by anonymity
   Has anyone heard anything about Obama wanting to divide Jerusalem recently?   (1, 2) 15 anonymity 4093 2009/4/21 22:28:57
by anonymity
   Tea Party's   (1, 2, 3, ... , 11) 106 KingJimmy 18573 2009/4/21 19:09:11
by Anonymous
   A new addition to the family 4 njosh91 785 2009/4/20 15:54:05
by Anonymous
   What is the perpose of our new youth brigade? 0 Anonymous867 2009/4/20 2:06:35
by Anonymous
   Out-of-wedlock births hit record high   (1, 2, 3, ... , 7) 66 sermonindex 13277 2009/4/20 2:05:44
by Miccah
   Why not have a PEA POD in every town instead of a tea party? 1 Lordoitagain 842 2009/4/19 2:01:14
by HeartSong
   Christian Ministry Denounced As Terrorist Group by Government   (1, 2) 14 Denny 5808 2009/4/17 23:25:13
by Denny
   Jacob West born 03/31/09 (Moderator's son)   (1, 2, 3, 4) 35 PaulWest 7723 2009/4/16 12:58:46
by fuehrerbe21
   The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 2 KingJimmy 2984 2009/4/14 22:39:37
by KingJimmy
   Another Dog Story 1 HeartSong 873 2009/4/14 12:22:56
by White_Stone
   UK Christian charity worker suspended by 'Christian' employer 0 Anonymous864 2009/4/14 3:48:47
by Anonymous
   "Clergy in the crosshairs" 0 Anonymous741 2009/4/13 21:13:02
by Anonymous
   Osteen: His New Bible and "Obama's doing a great job" 2 int3grity 1604 2009/4/13 14:33:05
by Anonymous
   Time: Obama promises diminished US role in "new world order" 5 ccchhhrrriiisss 1448 2009/4/12 19:42:37
by ccchhhrrriiisss
   Galapagos Volcano Erupts 0 HeartSong 968 2009/4/12 1:04:03
by HeartSong
   More People Act as Their Own Lawyers 0 Anonymous923 2009/4/10 0:04:11
by Anonymous
   Some new thing. 0 ChrisJD 791 2009/4/9 21:50:29
by ChrisJD
   Rick Warren disavows support for Prop. 8   (1, 2) 11 LoveGodsWay2 5114 2009/4/9 18:10:10
by jlosinski
   Newsweek Cover: The Decline And Fall Of Christian America 6 sermonindex 2799 2009/4/9 17:21:09
by Lawevangelis

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