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     Topic Replies Poster Views Date
   It happened in our Church in London just yesterday 5 narrowpath 1305 2007/5/8 17:12:43
by narrowpath
    Turkish bible firm attack kills 3 9 ReviveUsLord 1569 2007/5/6 21:10:42
by RobertW
   Clown Communion - fools for christ 4 sermonindex 1394 2007/5/3 15:19:07
by ADisciple
   Virginia Tech…the killing continues.   (1, 2) 11 tjservant 3858 2007/5/3 14:43:14
by tjservant
   Working Replica of Noah's Ark Opens 1 sermonindex 1000 2007/5/3 6:34:01
by Anonymous
 Don't be Hatin'! 0 adopted_son 919 2007/4/30 23:06:12
by adopted_son
   Canada Releases Abortion Numbers – 103,768 Babies Killed in 2003 4 sermonindex 1039 2007/4/30 18:31:39
by Compton
   Evangelical Leader Blasts Churches' Gender-Neutral Language   (1, 2) 10 sermonindex 4188 2007/4/30 14:08:43
by JaySaved
   Campus Intolerance Leads to the Arrest of Christians and to University Policeman being Suspended 3 Denny 1256 2007/4/27 15:35:51
by Psalm73
   THE INTERFAITH CONVOCATION AT VIRGINIA TECH   (1, 2) 12 Anonymous3013 2007/4/27 14:51:00
by enid
   Praise the Lord! North Carolinians take a stand for the Lord!   (1, 2) 13 Anonymous4504 2007/4/27 11:06:54
by Anonymous
   what we leran from Virginia Tech Tragedy ? 1 janny2006 1072 2007/4/24 16:11:40
by janny2006
   Relax, Killer Bees Seem Resistant... 0 Anonymous1315 2007/4/24 16:11:09
by Anonymous
   Pray for Godly Mothers 2 rowdy2 1062 2007/4/24 9:01:40
by Anonymous
   Two girls murdered their friend because it "just felt right"   (1, 2) 11 jordanamo 3821 2007/4/23 22:15:52
by crsschk
   bees....... 1 Paddy 1068 2007/4/23 15:47:35
by crsschk
   The Green Agenda (article) 1 Anonymous927 2007/4/22 17:54:10
by Anonymous
   Meanwhile, 654,965 Dead in Iraq   (1, 2, 3) 28 Anonymous6357 2007/4/22 17:29:38
by RobertW
   French Presidential Electioneering 0 Anonymous727 2007/4/22 13:43:08
by Anonymous
   Has Pope Benedict made any significant changes to the Catholic church? 8 Anonymous1972 2007/4/22 6:12:22
by Anonymous

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