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Video Sermons : Art Katz :  The Love Of The Truth by Art Katz

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The Love Of The Truth by Art Katz

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 Humble man 
Art can step on toes for sure. But what a message he brings about the reality of man's insistence upon substituting his own ideas of God, or what we would like God to be, rather than the God that is God. It is the conflict of the ages. I thank God for this minister who stood and shared his heart and what I believe is the heart of God for this generation of popular christianity. He is jealous for the honor of his God and for His Word. A difficult message to listen to, and thought provoking. This man has a humble spirit. .

Art Katz's preaching is 'needed'. It pinches. It challenges. It really makes you uncomfortable. This is a good thing. We are forced to ask questions that we would otherwise NEVER ask. This is a good thing. We have gotten so good a doing religion that it takes a 'crazy' (sarcasm) man to come along and jolt our senses. We may disagree, excuse, justify, rationalize etc... But to listen to Art is to have to be faced with the unrealities In our lives that we have been far too comfortable with. Like it or not, Arts preaching is NEEDED.

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