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Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: True & False Prophets

[b][url=](The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Against False Prophets[/url][/b] by Art Katz

[b]Description:[/b] We read in the book of Jeremiah severe warnings and an outcry against prophets who have gone astray and lead God's people along with them in their web of deceit. The greatest malady in the Church today is the lack of the fear of God. May we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and the faith that is truly rooted in God's Word!


[b]Take heed[/b] (September 12/2006)
Reviewed by: Wheelz1951

My advice on this sermon would be "Take heed all those who claim to speak for the Lord." You better think twice. art preaches from Jerimiah 23. IMO, the "faith & prosperity movement" as gone a bit too far and this message from Art Katz gives stern warnings. If you've come thru the Jesus Movement & listen to Copeland, Hagan, Hinn, Fred Price, etc, this message is for you!

[b]Startling![/b] (May 06/2006)
Reviewed by: sermonindex

Katz's message is always startling, fresh, and pointed. Bless God for His servant and the message He put in his mouth.

[b]A word from God[/b] (May 04/2006)
Reviewed by: Corneliu

I recomend this sermon to everybody, especialy churh leaders. We need this in a church that seems to have less and less discernment. Brother Art says it exactly the way it is. False profets are very subtle. But what they say, "is evel because it does not come from God" even if it sounds religious.

[b]False Prophets and Fleshly Prophecy[/b] (September 07/2005)
Reviewed by: Blazin4Him

Strong word on what a true prophet is and is not. Those who act in the role of prophet must make sure that God truly is speaking and not attempt to use God as some sort of endorsement.

[b]God send us the fire,hammer of your Word!!! [/b] (June 10/2005)
Reviewed by: Jaime

a message to examine ourselves if we are in the faith,with so much running around in the church today with its sophisticated programs is very easy to get caught up and entangled by these false prophets using the name of the Lord for their own gain,like brother Katz says we all need to repent even if we never run with them,the fact that we are part of the same generation makes us feel guilty,may the Lord help us sound the trumpet when we are sent by Him.

[b]False prophets[/b] (January 16/2005)
Reviewed by: PDC

Art Katz gives a very good message about preaching and prophecying in the flesh. Beginning his sermon from the Old Testament(Jeremiah 23:32) he brings this prophecy into the New Testament application and a latter day revelation of apostate preaching. A good challenge for the spirit filled believer to watch his/her words(Psalm 141:3) and for each Christian to "take heed that no man deceive you."

 2008/4/26 19:52Profile

 Re: False Teachers

Thank you for your posts, I look forward to listening and praying in this hour of need. I just listened to this one by Carter Conlon that is a must add called "Satanic Seduction in The Last Days":


 2008/5/5 14:51

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