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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon :  Satanic Seduction In The Last Days

 Satanic Seduction In The Last Days by Carter Conlon

Topic: Satanic
Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 4:1-6  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (3)

 A "Must Hear!" 
This sermon is a great blessing to the body of Christ. I have listened to it at least 5 times, and I'm not finished. This Biblically sound message leads to "much needed" rescue from widespread falsehood which dominates most (so called) churches. I can only vaguely sense the enormous grief The Holy Spirit must endure when He sees what has been established as "Christ's church". God bless you Pastor Conlon!

 The Gospel of Greed! 
It never ceases to amaze me how any one who reads the bible cannot discern whether God wants us to prosper according to how these prosperity preachers teach! This is not only a perverse but insane gospel as rightly highlighted by Bro Carter Colon, a good warning for the body of Christ. Now there are signs and wonders that go along with this gospel which is gold dust, gems & angel feathers! Absurd miracle done by another spirit yet it again amazes me how believers cannot discern the truth from the error. I have written a poem on the Gospel of Greed here:

 This Sums up All The Falsehoods in Christianity Today 
If you want any discernment at all in this time of deception through false revivals and prosperity gospel preaching, THEN THIS IS A MUST HEAR. The great delusion is here folks and its seduction is strong!!!! No conterfeit serves to deceive those who do not claim to be Christians or followers of Christ. Pastor Conlon is one of the few preachers with his eyes wide open through RIGHTLY DIVIDED SCRIPTURE. The remnant who are not being led astray by these false movements need to pray..pray...plead...pray...and plead some more for God's mercy upon us and to lead a wandering flock back to our first love... the Good Shepherd that gave His life for His sheep. These false preachers are self driven and thumb their nose at the Gospel with their 'secret extra-Biblical revelations'. While they are naming angels and spirits, a lost world is dying in sin. While they are getting rich, the least of us are getting left behind. Woe to them!

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