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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers G-L : R.G. Lee :  PayDay Someday

 PayDay Someday by R.G. Lee

Topic: Judgment
Description: Arguably the most preached, most famous sermon of the 20th century, Payday Someday conclusively proves that God's judgment on sin is final and sure. Lee preached this sermon over a thousand times, and thousands of folks will be in heaven as a result. Of the many who were saved as a result of Payday Someday, the story is told of one man who was mad and was going to shoot his wife. A friend begged the man to settle down long enough to listen to the sermon. The man reluctantly agreed. After the sermon he got down on his knees and begged his wife to forgive him. Come Sunday morning, the man confessed faith in Jesus and was baptized.
Sermon Comments (1)

 A must HEAR 
This needs to be told again & again and again. For the Believer, this message is of GODs' Sovereignty.Ever watchful, and watches over HIS WORD to do what HE has said. He Who searches the heart of man and knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. Is there anything GOD does not see? Most assuredly NOT. (Don't ever entertain the thought that evil men will get away with their evil, for they won't.) For the sinner, the message is clear.... no one, no, not one, will get away with a single thing. Repent or Perish. Line upon Line, law upon law, an eye for an eye--- you'll get what you've earned. The wages of sin is death. Harvest is coming.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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