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showing from 1 to 7 of 7 articles

A Different Understanding
      "...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). We all, I suppose, begin like Esther. We are the center of all things to ourselves; our happiness is the supreme end for which all other persons and ... read more

Change is Christ's
      "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered" (Ps. 32:1). Can this defilement be removed? This surely is the question for every child of Adam; for what conscience is there which has not been stained with sin? It is a ques ... read more

Conscience Has Its Revenge
      "But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD" (2 Sam. 11:27). This is a strange and solemn power which conscience wields. In your secret soul you commit a sin: it is a mere passing thought perhaps; no human eye has seen it, no tongue w ... read more

Different Temptations
      "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven" (John 3:27). There is, indeed, no greater mystery in providence than the unequal proportion in which temptation is distributed among different individuals. Some are comparatively li ... read more

Sharp Conscience
      "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim. 4:2). The Scripture speaks of some whose consciences are seared as with a hot iron. As a hot iron, touching the fingertips, would harden the skin, so that the f ... read more

Two Great Lies
      "Ye shall not surely die" (Gen. 3:4). The great tempter of men has two devices with which he plies us at two different stages. Before we have fallen, he tells us that one fall does not matter. it is a trifle; why should we not know the taste of the ... read more

We Can Rise Again
      "My sin is ever before me" (Ps. 51:3). But then, if we have fallen, our enemy plies us with the other argument: It is of no use to attempt to rise; you cannot overcome your besetting sin. But this is falser still. To those who feel themselves fa ... read more


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