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Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Random Genesis Musings

I started listening to the Bible on my commute yesterday. My goal is to get-er-done in 3 months.

Anyway here are some random musings from the first day. Not trying to start any fights or terribly deep discussion but comments are exceedingly welcome!

1). What did Noah and his fam use for firewood right after they came out of the ark? For that matter what did they use (if any) while ON the ark. Right when they came out they had a burnt offering. Maybe they used the steering wheel. Or maybe dinosaur dung-- but it does say the sacrifice produced a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

2). What's up with Rachel and Leah and the mandrakes?

3). What's up with Jacobs striped sticks in the water trough to produce striped goats?

4). Why didn't Jacob give Laban a good old fashioned butt whooping? (Every time I read that story, the more I can't stand that dude)

5). It is exceedingly difficult to reconcile Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.


 2015/11/5 18:26Profile

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