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ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | As I conclude my observations of this story I am left with some lessons that are profound, yet not unique at all - it is a theme that runs throughout the entire WORD of God.
God is not partial in dispensing of judgement. Position does not matter - sin is dealt with regardless who commits it.
There were a lot of things done wrong in this story yet God did not with hold judgement because of it. He dealt with it regardless. And people suffered needlessly. Sin does that, you know.
When people work to correct a serious sin issue, there will be casualties on both sides. This is likely the most significant lesson I learned with this story.
I am guessing that if someone - a church leader - who has a checkered past would even work to cleanse his flock of sin, there would be casualties at every level. In the end, the people would sit down and cry.
And I think we are at this point now in church history. There is a division and godly folks are grieved as we see more and more churches caving in to accepting the homosexual issue as the norm for life. People who disagree are vilified, marginalized. And our numbers are getting fewer and fewer - or maybe we are becoming more aware of who are the tares and wheat.
I am very sad when I read of writers whose works I loved cave in...very sad....who can one trust?
_________________ Sandra Miller
2015/2/2 11:10 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Another lesson this story gives us is the importance of ridding a brotherhood of overt sin before it becomes so firmly entrenched within where people have become desensitized to it. This is why Benjamin did not see a need to deal with that mob of homosexuals.
Happens today as well - let one sin become commonplace with little to no reprimand - and soon it will become the norm.
I have observed that when there is one overt sin, the entire Sin family lives there...the guys may be just little but they are there and growing. James 2:10 tells us "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."
Lord, help me to be holy.... _________________ Sandra Miller
2015/2/2 11:21 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | I've appreciated your thoughts on this passage.
I wonder if the men were truly homosexuals or simply violent barbarians. After all, they raped the woman to death. Experts tell us that rape is a crime of violence, not sex.
In seems the men were interesting in brutalizing strangers for their own sadistic gratification.
_________________ Todd
2015/2/2 12:11 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I know this question does surface and it is a good one. Today many would say they were bi-sexuals. In any case it was an abomination punishable by death under OT law.
I think it is unfortunate that moderns seem to consider homosexuality a worse sin then heterosexual sin. The outcry against the homosexual movement is loud and furious in conservative Christianity. Except for porn or human trafficing one has not seen this kind of opposition among modern Christians against fornication or adultery. What has lended itself to this tragedy is the acceptance of divorce and remarriage in the church. The devil works in getting people accustomed to small apparent insignificant sins before launching the 'big, more horrible' perversions. It is a process. I think we do well to consider that the devils method of perverting, deceiving people has not changed.
The scriptures tells us the people did what they deemed was right in their own eyes. Sounds like modern Christianity, does it not? When discussing scripture how many times will people preface their discussions with "I think, I believe" as though they set the standard of absolutes and not God. Hear it all the time. Wearisome. _________________ Sandra Miller
2015/2/2 18:42 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | I guess my point was that raping is not a sexual act. It is a violent act. Hate to say it but a barbaric heterosexual man will rape another man as act act of violence, power or intimidation. _________________ Todd
2015/2/3 6:23 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | can debate this issue of whether rape is a sexual vs a violent act but the reality is that raped females have conceived because of it. Any rape victim will say it is both: a violent sexual act. The motivation of a male is beside the point: it is sin, pure and simple.
Females do NOT like to be raped. The babies that come from a rape - bless their hearts... There are a few rape babies that went on to become a blessing and one of them is Pam Stenzel. Go to YouTube and check out her ministry to teens.
(I had a black client one time who was raped on a college campus..The assailant was unknown to her and she had no idea the race of the fellow. She ended up aborting.)
Under OT law if a female was raped she was supposed to cry out hoping someone will come to her aid. The rapist was to marry the girl and under no circumstances was he allowed to divorce her. If a man raped a girl engaged to be married he was to be killed. Read Deuteronomy 22.
Remember this was OT law and it is in this context in which the incident in Judges occurred.
_________________ Sandra Miller
2015/2/4 17:13 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | I know the topic is unsavory to say the least.
My only point was that this town may not have been a town full of homosexuals but rather a town full of barbaric violent men. _________________ Todd
2015/2/4 19:28 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I see the greater sin as accommodating sin - providing an environment in which it can be practiced with no opposition and/or discipline.
I see the Levites handling of the situation as severely flawed, yet the fact he did work to correct it has merit in of itself.
Sin always earns judgement regardless who the offenders are. For some it is immediate and others a long-time a-coming. "God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." A NT verse stating a principle in force since the creation and this story illustrates the reality of it. _________________ Sandra Miller
2015/2/8 15:55 | Profile |