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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : THE CRY OF A REPENTANT HEART by David Wilkerson

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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"Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound. And he was angry, and would not go in" (Luke 15:25-28).

The older brother of the prodigal grew angrier by the moment. After all, he had served his father diligently for years, never transgressing any commandment. He was upright according to the law, and he had kept himself scrupulously clean.

Yet, peering through that window, this older son saw the greatest vision of grace ever given to humankind: The father was embracing a repentant, lost son. He didn't ask any questions or lecture; instead, he clothed him in a new garment and restored him to his former position of full favor and blessing. And then he brought him into the feast!

The vision this older son saw was that a person can repent, no matter how low he sinks, if he simply gives up running his own life and comes back to the father. Yet the older brother protested it all and refused to go in to the feast. Why? He wanted no part in what he saw as an easy grace!

It is typical of the legalistic mindset to protest a generous outpouring of grace on a returning backslider. Many Christians, sitting next to some drug addict or alcoholic in church, think, "Thank God that I never sinned that way. He could fall again tomorrow."

Scripture says this kind of pride is more deadly than any addiction: "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (1 Corinthians 10:12).

The truth is, when the prodigal saw his older brother frowning at him through the window, he probably thought, "Oh, my brother, if you only knew how I admire you! You never went out and sinned as I did. You have the better testimony. And all my life I'll have to live with the memory of bringing shame on our family's good name. I know I don't deserve any of this. In fact, you should be here in my place. How I wish I could have fellowship with you!"

That is the cry of a truly repentant and humbled heart!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/7/4 8:25Profile

Joined: 2010/12/1
Posts: 69

 Re: THE CRY OF A REPENTANT HEART by David Wilkerson

A word in season, the thing that allows times of refreshing to come, repentance.

We all need to do it constantly its not a once done that it deal.

Why respond in this manner? I want the times of refreshing to come, the former and the latter rain as per Joel, the sowing rain and the reaping rain in the same month. The reapers overtaking the sowers. Supernaturaly the reapers are reaping before the sowers have even sown, make sense?

Obviously it does not make sense but you understand what is to come.

Times are dark, the new prime minister of Australia is non born again "christian" who is supporting gay marriage and had a new member of his team swear on the Koran. Australians and Australian organisations are now not allowed a conscience vote on religious issues. For example Catholic hospitals are now not allowed to abstain from doing abortions or referals to abortion clinics.

A baptist church where I am part of a prayermeeting/biblestudy has given tacit agreement to gay marriage, I have been told the baptist union is currently splitting in Australia over this issue.

Not realy my point, however it is late in the day, things are now setting up for social persecution. I said to my pastor today is like being a baptist in 1904 however this time it is the Pentecostals that will need to move forward into the biggest thing since the cross.

David Wilkerson was a prophet who started to usher in the new testament fulfilment of the feast of Tabernacles, So What. Well for the church to come to the point of actually being the bride of Christ then we must become fully Christ like in holiness and every other way.

Now as in the old testament shadow of this event the trumpets called to come out of the city to dwell in tents. In other words the call is now going around the world to come out of worldly living, to separate ourselves unto the Lord.

It is happening right now, ask the Lord get it directly from him, when was the last time you prayed and fasted and sort his face for divine direction? Now is the time when watch and pray that the robber does not come and break into your house is relevant.

There are other men and woman of God who are carrying on this call. it is impossible to not mention that there are many thousands of others mainly in the Pentecostal churches who are offering the counterfiet message that sin does not matter and sanctification is legalism.

Grace covers all sin, no it does not. If it is not repented then it is not covered and the person will go to eternal damnation. Imagine being a preacher facing the Lord being the cause of many people to have gone to hell. I can tell you from scripture he does not get a get out of hell free card.

Again not the main point, time to turn around and place the Lord back on the throne of your life. Do it now. The time of the reaping is coming upon us and I want us reaping hundreds of millions of souls.

scripture says to mark those who preach another gospel, these are those who sow the tares, why because the wages are good. I hope four square has continued in the direction set by David however it is time to prepare.

I heard the Lord say that the time has come for the bride and the bride groom to get ready and for the bride to put on her jewels in private. I do not understand this but I do know that the time of winking has finished.

To this man will I look he who is of a broken heart a contrite spirit and who trembles at my word. A repentant and humbled man if this is not you, then we have time to change but this will not always be the case especially as we are seeing these days unfold before our very eyes.

Forgive me for being a little lateral in thinking however I was just listening to the radio with Gary Chapman and realised that God has given men a fantastic gift. If we ask what is the first step that I would need to take to be this man the likelihood is that she can tell us without hesitation.

For you women you are lucky in that you have each other in Australia at least they are the ones that Pray, that have more discernment and dont suffer from terminal egos of being the great men of God carrying the presence of God but in reality too lazy to have actual relationship with him. Yes I am generalising but generally here in Ausy that is exactly what it is like.

Another way of looking at this is On the rock or under it, your choice and it is choosing time now.

Thank you brother Greg for this reminder, if you have been hearing reading or thinking about WAKE UP or ARISE then be obedient, he is to be Lord not just saviour.

If you have felt that you have a call like Nehemiah time to start moving and we build as Greg has on the foundations. I think it is a blue print for the end time church although been wrong before.

Kind regards and blessings Oskar.

Oskar Abley

 2013/7/4 9:37Profile

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