Saints,I highly recommend we all consider tuning this event live tonight with guest speakers such as Francis Chan, Erwin Lutzer, and others. It will be live at: May 17th, 8:00-9:00 PM EDTYou can signup for the reminder to remind you via email 1 hour before the event. we will God willing live post some of the event here on the site.Join in praying for revival and spread the word on your social sites. to listen "live" on the web as you chat you can tune in here in 30 minutes:
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Saints,This will be live in about 40 minutes. Lets all gather on the live chat and participate in this prayer time for revival in our nation.use the hostag #OCLive in any twitter post to see it come up live on the feed on this to your twitter and Facebook:OneCry Prayer Summit with Francis Chan, Erwin Lutzer and others May 17th, 8-9PM EDT #OCLive (retweet this live in 30m)
The event is going live in 4 minutes: and is 1 hour in duration, hope to see some saints on the live chat.