I've heard and read a lot of things about fasting, but I really like this to the point, short understanding of why we should fast. I don't know who John allen is, tried to look him up, but didn't find anything about him. so if anyone knows i'd be interested to learn!Hope it blesses someone. It did me! :)Five good reasons to fast - Bishop John Allen1. it helps us to identify with the hungry, whom we are commanded to serve2. it reminds us to pray3. it makes us open to God's call4. it prompts us to reflect on the outworking of His call5. it is a mysterious instrument of the Holy Spirit's work"The greatest of saints knew their sinfulness and their weaknesses. 'They who fain would serve Him best Are conscious most of wrong within.'" - Elisabeth Elliot
All true, but fasting also helps us to put our flesh under subjection to the spirit and also causes our voice to be heard on high since the flesh is under subjection.
How true Goldminer. The primary reason to fast is found in the fast itself. It is almost humorous to watch my sinful nature struggle for control when, through the Spirit, I deny the sinful desires what they want. The longer I fast the less I hear my desires whine "Yea, but I want!" All that was mentioned in the five reasons is true. But it is in the issue of "who's in control" that I find the best of fasting. And in this concious decision to deny myself I find fellowship with God in a very specific way. No one can explain how or why, but God uses these times for His desire. Whether it be to teach us to identify with the hungry, or to perform some intricate task in bringing us closer to His ways. But I know fasting is a VERY useful tool in perfecting Jesus in us.
_________________Paul Horton