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Joined: 2003/6/3
Posts: 4821
Savannah TN


There are Calvary pastors who are not falling into the deception that is permeating America today. Check out this website...

In Christ

Jeff Marshalek

 2009/9/15 8:46Profile



rookie wrote:
There are Calvary pastors who are not falling into the deception that is permeating America today. Check out this website...

In Christ

This is true Brother Jeff. There are also AoGs that have not gone Seeker Friendly, ETC and many other "individual" churches within other denominations that are not.
Eventually they'll have to draw that line in the sand and I know they are asking for our prayers.
Thank you.

 2009/9/15 9:01

 Re: Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY

Someone sent me these links:



My recent experience of 'seeker-friendly', is that there is an unbiblical centralisation of responses, which sounds really biblical (Old Testament) but is not found in the New Testament anywhere, (and I do mean [i]anywhere)[/i]. This is not to say that individual believers have all stopped receiving the exhortations of the New Testament, but it does mean that new believers, weak believers and those who rely on others to lead them, are being given a dangerous diet of Old Covenant food and drink, which can never truly fill their spiritual hunger and thirst. This leaves plenty of room for 'activity', and lining up to be among those who hear 'I never knew you'.

 2009/9/15 9:58

 Re: Done more for Christ, or more AGAINST Christ....

"Sadly the truth is,

Rick Warren has done much more for Christ then most of these so called discernment ministries. Apostasy and failure in the Church is all around us. What is needed is men that will testify and live true Christianity, not just point fingers in the dark."


Here is a "Discernment ministry" that is actually NOT "pointing fingers in the dark" International minister who was there, and is, to see the wake of apostasy in action around the world caused by Warren. He is responding to an expose of Warren by Dr. Hutchings...Piggyback/Saddleback.

Re: David Wilkerson warns about Rick Warren

"Dear Dr. Hutchings:

Your article concerning Rick Warren's ministry is one of the most balanced exposes of what I see as a very dangerous movement. I find no animosity in what you have said and I believe it is a message that every pastor around the world needs to hear.

As I've traveled the world the last two years in minister's conference, I've seen the havoc which that ministry has caused. In South Africa, one pastor spent six weeks preaching from Rick Warren's book. Most of the well-grounded pillars left the church and it is floundering. We find the same everywhere we go. It simply does not work.

I've order one hundred copies of "Piggyback/Saddleback" and plan to send them to my bishop friends in all the nations we've been to.

God bless you for taking the stand that is not popular and one that I believe truly pleases the Lord.

May the Spirit of the Lord give you strength and courage.

Well said, my brother.

His bondservant,
David Wilkerson"

As I have known Wilkerson, I would say that he tries to "Live True Christianity", as a person you declared that we need.

 2009/9/15 10:41


Sadly the truth is,

Rick Warren has done much more for Christ then most of these so called discernment ministries. Apostasy and failure in the Church is all around us. What is needed is men that will testify and live true Christianity, not just point fingers in the dark.

Holy red flags.........

 2009/9/15 12:16

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Jesus-is-God,

This hasn't anything to do with "discernment ministries" - just following Rick Warren for years - his actions and where-abouts.

He and Brian McLaren [and others] have been feverishly working for years to bring in the One World Religion through the arm of Global Governance.


Unity at what cost? Please, research this man before you endorse him.


He can be called the Father of the One World Religion for "evangelicals" in this country and I find the responses in this thread frightening, to say the least.

I am not a fan of Rick Warren. However, I just can't help but wonder if he would publicly disagree with this assessment. Do you [i]know[/i] that Rick Warren is "feverishly working for years to bring in the One World Religion through the arm of Global Governance" -- or is this merely your own [i]opinion[/i]? Your words seem to indicate that the man has some sort of underlying intention to accomplish such a thing. I can't help but wonder if your "research" or "discernment" included actually writing to his ministry and asking him about such things?

He has attended Davos, Clinton's Global Initiative Annual Conference, linked to the U.N. and Tony Blair's Religious Initiative. Countless CFR meetings and many more Global Conferences that are aimed at merging all religions under one banner and one form of Political Governance, which can be easily seen as Socialist or Fascist, if you look at the Mega-Corporation heads in this country who support Warren's Goals.

Why all of the above, which is just a nutshell composite, is not known in a Christian community is not understandable.

Interesting. However, I also attended a couple of CFR meetings (with my thesis/dissertation advisor while I was working on my graduate research. To be [u]very[/u] clear, I don't believe in any form of a "one world government" (and, of course, any "one world religion"). However, you know what I saw/heard at those meetings? The people at the CFR meetings overwhelmingly DISAGREE on almost EVERYTHING! They are simply a group of men and women from different backgrounds who meet as a "think tank" and throw around different personal ideas about foreign policy. Of course, the organization has no REAL power whatsoever. It is just a think tank where members present different (and often, opposing) views on various matters of policy.

There were no consensus views at the meetings. I don't think that the group is even TRYING to reach a consensus opinion on any matter. In fact, the group seemed like they couldn't even agree on a SINGLE issue. However, research is published by individuals and small groups of individuals that do not reflect the views of the organization. I think that if someone actually attended a meeting or two of the group, it would dispel much of the "conspiracy theories" presented by those whose research is based mostly upon other conspiracy theories. Besides, just because Warren spoke at a CFR meeting (or a UN meeting) doesn't automatically make him part of some sort of conspiracy. At the closed-door CFR meetings that I attended, there were some very heated debates -- and no one mentioned any sort of "global" government.

However, this is all beside the point. My initial hesitation with this blogger's blog deals with his willingness to point the finger of "apostasy" at several men without any real credible evidence. Chuck Smith is an "apostate?" That is such an interesting accusation to make -- especially given the fact that the man making such a declaration has probably NEVER contacted Pastor Chuck Smith.

There is a very scriptural formula for restoration and confrontation in the Body of Christ. It involves actually meeting with the accused. Merely writing a blog that points fingers at men like Chuck Smith is not really part of that formula.

I encourage all of these "watchmen" and "discernment" ministers to actually CONTACT the men in question in order to obtain some sort of clarity. This is, after all, the foundation of real research.


 2009/9/15 12:24Profile


Hello Ccchhhrrriiisss. I've been waiting for [b]you[/b] to call [b]me[/b] out on this one.

There is not and never will be, one word that you can type that will UN-do the research done on Rick Warren.

That's all I need say in reply.

 2009/9/15 12:36

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


Really, who cares! What Rick Warren does or doesn't do has no impact on my relationship to Christ, nor will it destroy the Church of Jesus Christ.

Do what you can in your area for the Gospel and don't worry about who may be doing what with whom. If the UN initiates a One World religion, so what! If Rick Warren ushers it in, so what! It has no bearing on MY responsibility to Christ and His Gospel. Each man will stand on his own one day before Christ, and then it will be sorted out.

Until that day, LOVE and TRUTH should be what marks us as His, not strife, division, and fear. Too much of what is written will be burned up as meaningless chaff, and we may ALL be shocked to see that Rick Warren might actually make it to Heaven, because he trusts in Christ.

Let's get over this, and get on with our duties as followers of the risen exalted King.

patrick heaviside

 2009/9/15 12:48Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Jesus-is-God,


Jesus-is-GOD wrote:
Hello Ccchhhrrriiisss. I've been waiting for [b]you[/b] to call [b]me[/b] out on this one.

There is not and never will be, one word that you can type that will UN-do the research done on Rick Warren.

That's all I need say in reply.


However, I am not calling YOU out, brother. I just think that anyone who wants to make such accusations might want to use a little discernment in regard to the manner and specificities of their words. You made a very strong allegation about that man (Rick Warren). Like I said, I am not a fan of the guy. However, I think that your accusations ("[i]He ....[and others] have been feverishly working for years to bring in the One World Religion through the arm of Global Governance[/i]" and "[i]He can be called the Father of the One World Religion for "evangelicals" in this country[/i]") would likely be disputed by the man himself. I still can't help but ask if you have ever contacted this man, his congregation or his ministry before making such a public declaration.

There is no need to be smug or angry at me for what I wrote. I am not trying to "UN-do" any of the "research" done on Rick Warren. I simply think that if someone is going to make such an accusation, then their "research" should begin with looking for a clarification from the man himself rather than chasing the winds of conspiracy.

We should be very careful with public accusations like this (whether Chuck Smith or even Rick Warren) and should only be done AFTER every attempt has been made to find clarity (and even an attempt at restoration, if it is truly needed).


 2009/9/15 13:07Profile


It just grieves my heart to no end that there is no "testing all things" and "warnings" going out and NO Research on this man.

I've done searches on this site we're posting to and the evidence is old news here but you are implying that I have guessed these things about Warren or just pull my statements out of a hat.

His involvement with Global Governance Conferences etc are well published through-out the Net and you are without excuse for not doing the research yourself and anyone else who thinks that merging all relgions with global political entities is nothing to "watch" are out of touch with Jesus' warnings to be wise, watch and warn.

I think it's time to listen to the Sermon about Watchmen roaring or meowing.


 2009/9/15 13:17

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