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Brother Jim... you will struggle with sin all your life. Just when you think you have the tiger by the tail and gain victory over your cussing and anger, the Lord will reveal something else that needs to go.

We are very much like an onion, but the Lord in His gracious wisdom is good about not revealing too much to us at one time. We couldn't handle it.

Does this mean when we find ourselves sinning that we lose our salvation? Of course not. Paul struggled with sin and even said something to effect of "The things I want to do I don't do... and the things I dont want to do... these are the things I do!"

You can hear the frustration in his words.

The fact that you are under conviction is proof to me that you are saved and have the Holy Spirit working in your life... otherwise you wouldn't care.

Be strong... you haven't lost your salvation. Sorry that this has turned into an opportunity for others to tirelessly, yet with much agony, once again debate this doctrine.

All I know is God is working on you. Don't dispair. You'll never be perfect this side of heaven (tho some here think you can be... you can't)... but keep striving to serve Him moment by moment. Stay teachable. Stay humble. Stay in the Word.


 2009/9/3 14:00

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710



This was a very hard passage for me also, although I never did believe I could loose salvation after what Christ has done for me, and the Father giving me to Christ of whom He says He won't loose any.

This is a bit long but it has given me the most truth of all the study I have done on Heb 6.

May it give you Jim some comfort in knowing who you are in Christ and He will never leave you or forsake you, His Promise, not mine or anyone else's.

Gaebelein's Annoted Bible
Hebrews 6:1


1. Return to Judaism the crucifixion of the Son of God afresh (6:1-8)
2. Persuaded of better things: Comfort and hope (6:9-20)
Verses 1-8. A solemn warning follows, addressed to these Hebrews who were halting and in danger of turning back to Judaism, and doing so would crucify the Son of God afresh. "Therefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us go on to full growth; not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God, of a teaching of baptisms, and of laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment." It is of much importance to see that these things are not "the principles of the doctrine of Christ" (as the authorized version erroneously states). These things mentioned are the elementary things which the Jews had before Christ came and as they were still occupied with them, He exhorts to leave the word of the beginning of Christ, the Messiah, and to go on to full growth. The full growth is Christianity as revealed in the finished work of Christ, the glory of His Person, His priesthood and the fact that the believer is in Christ and complete in Him.

While these Hebrews had believed in Christ, that He had come, they had not gone on to this maturity and lacked the spiritual knowledge of what Christ had done and the blessed results of His work and priesthood. They were therefore to leave the elementary things which they had and believed in as Jews, and abandoning them, reach the true Christian maturity. And these elementary things consisted in repentance from dead works and of faith in God. This was known and taught in Judaism. But it is faith in God, but nothing is said of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. When baptism is mentioned and laying on of hands it has nothing whatever to do with Christian baptism, and much less does the laying on of hands mean "confirmation." (Confirmation as practiced in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, and several other Protestant denominations is a merely ecclesiastical invention without the slightest scriptural foundation.) The word "baptism" is in the plural--"baptisms"--the different washings the Jews practice in connection with the ceremonial law, and so also the Jewish imposition of hands. These Jewish washings and purifications were only shadows of what was to come. It had come; and yet these Jews, though believing that Christ had come, still lingered in these things. Resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment, the things concerning the future were likewise the teachings they had in Judaism. But Christianity gives a higher truth, namely, "the resurrection from among the dead" and that the believer is passed from death unto life and shall not come into judgment.--"And this will he do if God permit"-- that is in the coming unfolding of true Christianity, the full growth, as given in chapters 7-10.

Before the author of the Epistle does this he shows what it would mean if these Hebrews turn back to Judaism altogether, and instead of going on to full growth would abandon the Christian ground they occupied as professing believers in Christ. Such a course would make it impossible to renew them again to repentance, for they, by falling away, crucified afresh for themselves the Son of God, putting Him to open shame. They committed the crime, which was done by them through ignorance (Lu 23:34; Ac 3:17), now knowingly of their own will and choice. For such a wilful falling away there was no remedy. The things mentioned in verses 4 and 5 show the possibility that a person may be enlightened, and have tested, and even participated, by listening to the testimony of the Spirit concerning Christ, and seen miracles, the powers of the age to come--without having fully accepted the offered salvation.

"The warning here has been a sore perplexity to many who are far as possible from the condition which is here contemplated. The description of these apostates, solemn as it is, does not speak of them as children of God, as justified by faith, or in any way which would imply such things as these; and the apostle, after describing them, immediately adds, as to those whom he is addressing; 'But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, even things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.' This is the most distinct assurance that he had no thought of one who had known salvation incurring the doom of an apostate" Numerical Bible.

All the blessings offered upon Christian ground are to such outward professors like rain, which instead of bringing forth from the ground useful herbs, brings thorns and briers, worthless, nigh unto cursing, and then the end, to be burned. Of a true child of God this can never be said.

("When once we have understood that this passage is a comparison of the power of the spiritual system with Judaism, and that it speaks of giving up the former, after having known it, its difficulty disappears. The possession of life is not supposed, nor is that question touched. The passage speaks, not of life, but of the Holy Ghost as a power present in Christianity. To "taste the good word" is to have understood how precious that word is; and not the having been quickened by its means. Hence in speaking to the Jewish Christians he hopes better things and things which accompany salvation, so that all these things could be there and yet no salvation. Fruit there could not be. That supports life" Synopsis of the Bible.)

Verses 9-20, Words of comfort and hope conclude this chapter. He addresses them now as "beloved," of whom he is persuaded of better things, the things which accompany salvation. Their true faith had been manifested by works. And God is not unrighteous "to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed towards His name in that ye have ministered unto the saints and do minister." These are things which accompany salvation. He encourages them to be followers of them who through patience and faith inherit the promises. He calls their attention to Abraham, the father of the faithful. He endured patiently and obtained the promise. And He gave not only the promise of His Word, but also His oath. "For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He swore by Himself." What assurance therefore--God's Word and God's oath. And this makes manifest to the heirs of promise (believers) the immutability of His counsel, so that we might have strong consolation. Therefore those who trust and hope for future glory have a strong and satisfying consolation. But there is more than that. There is a personal guarantee, for the Lord Jesus as a forerunner has entered into heaven, where He now is as high priest after the order of Melchisedec. He, who is our hope, is there as a forerunner and this is the anchor of the soul; it anchors in Him who hath entered within the vail. He who is seated in glory is the promised One, the object, bearer and dispenser of all the promises of God. In Him and His work all is made secure. His presence there speaks of the ultimate realization of all the promises of glory for His people.

Hebrews 6:9 But, (Jim) (my) beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.

I am surly persuaded of better thing of you Jim, especially things that accompany salvation, though we (all) speak.

In Christ, Your brother and fellow heirs with the Son of God to our Father's House, which Christ has promised He is preparing a place for us all.

In Him a new creature in Him, the Person Himself in you, "The hope of glory" Col 1:27



 2009/9/3 14:24Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703


Dear Jim,

Forgive me for being drawn into the mistake regarding your gender. I'm glad to see that God has revealed to you the need to feed on His Word in order to succeed in the wonderful journey that you are on. As you keep learning from scripture under the light of the Spirit, and as you gain strength from the Spirit, you will find that your other problems like your emotional swings will slowly resolve.

1Jn 1:5-9 "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. [i][b]But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.[/b][/i] If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

1Jn 2:3-6 [i][b]We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.[/b][/i] The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

When I came to believe in God, way back in 1985, I burned with an all-consuming passion to read and understand His Word. I devoured the Bible, cover-to-cover, in a couple of weeks, and kept on reading it over and over again for years.

At the start, I spent so much time reading the Bible that I even neglected some of my duties at work. But you will find that as you gain in understanding of God's word, your heart will turn towards putting it into practice in your life. Then you will find a healthy balance between "feeding" and "exercising".

I'm sure that, as you grow in knowledge and faith, God will lead you to where he wants you to be, and he will have you excel in that calling. Don't be too quick to conclude that your studies necessarily hinder your walk with God. You must be open to the possibility that God wants you to be right where you are now. Pray about it and seek God's will.

In Christ's Love,

 2009/9/3 14:34Profile


There have been those here who also thought I was a chick... er, woman.

My wife doesn't dig chicks. I am a man.

Happens to the best of us.


 2009/9/3 15:07

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


That is why it is so important to let brother's and sister's know who you are by filling out just a little of your profile, at least your real name.

In Christ: Phillip


 2009/9/3 20:07Profile

Joined: 2006/9/11
Posts: 294
North Pole, Alaska


Hey brother,
I would encourage you to do a study on the doctrine of imputed righteousness, it will (i pray) give you blessings of assurance and glory to Christ. I've grown up in a "holiness" church where much emphasis is placed on personal holiness and sanctification, but as I've been studying justification and imputation I've realized how magnificant the [u]finished [/u] work of Christ is. An emphasis on the doctrine of sanctification without a solid foundation of justification/imputation can certainly lead to lack of assurance and even works righteousness.
Grace to you brother,

 2009/9/3 23:42Profile

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, a lot of you folks are young and do not have experience of parenting.... i have a friend who has a son who is serving a life sentence in prison for torturing a man to death... she still loves her son and visit him allthe time spends all her spare money on attorneys ... prays for him ... says he has repented... how much more does your heavenly Father,who sent His Son to die for you...whos mercies are new every morning love you. of course people can and do turn from God and pay great prices for sin but God said i will never leave you or forsake you... what sin is greater than the blood of the Lamb.. unbelief? jimp

 2009/9/4 8:22Profile

Joined: 2008/4/20
Posts: 201


praying the prayers of ephesians chapter one and ephesians chapter 3 for yourself , make these the cry of all that motivates you ." As a dear pants for the waters ,so my soul longs after thee ,oh lord " . salvations constitution is the beatitudes , study on these and what they work in us . May God grant you great grace an joy in Him . Clint

Clint Demoret

 2009/9/9 18:25Profile

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