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 want to get 'drunk in the spirit?

then visit the

[url=]the sons of thunder pub[/url]

now jusy so there's no misunderstanding, this man, john crowder, is not 'emergent' or 'emerging', by his own words;

'While I have long acknowledged the existence of postmodernity as a reality of the age, this very intellectual elitism on which you have commented is one of the chief reasons I have been hesitant to dive headlong into the trendy “fad” aspect of the emergent discussion. I should add at the onset that I would not consider myself “emergent” anymore than I would consider myself “charismatic.” But both camps try to pin me down into the other. In the same way, you could say I am neither catholic nor protestant (I am not protesting anything; I am pursuing Someone). Like most emergents, I reject labels. Without the restraints of such labels, we are more apt to truthfully address the sacred cows in every respective camp. My orthodoxy may not be as generous as McLaren’s, but I am not ignorant of the discussion and appreciate the influx of new ideas. This openness is a God-given dispensation, but it must be guarded in the context of true humility. Whether they like to admit it or not, many emergents are entrenched in a religious package of trying to look cool and trying to impress a select audience with their perceived edginess of theological progression. The melee of anti-charisma these past few weeks is an indicator of a deeper problem. It surfaces clearly, for example, when they do not have a grid for someone who comes along with an outlandish orthopraxy.'

but john sure does like to get 'whacked up' on Jesus.

Lord have mercy on us

 2009/7/12 15:38

 Re: want to get 'drunk in the spirit?


 2009/7/12 16:56

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 It gets a little harder to believe

I must be living somewhat of a sheltered life. It gets a little harder to believe each time I see something like this. Having been around since the Jesus Movement days of the early 70s which had definite areas of immaturity I'm not at all convinvced that when teachers and leaders began to call us to maturity that this is what it was supposed to be so far down the road as time is now.

David Winter

 2009/7/12 17:15Profile

 Re: want to get 'drunk in the spirit?

Ok this guy talks about what he is and what he is not, who is he trying to convince, and who cares?? By their fruits ye shall know them, end of!

 2009/7/12 17:32


or as crowder would say, 'shaba daba ding dong'.....which i cant translate.......which might mean, 'i'm the perfect prophet for these days'.


 2009/7/12 17:43

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK

 Re: want to get 'drunk in the spirit?

Quote taken from the Article by John Crowder Stigmata and Blood Sign Miracle.

We invited guest speaker Lucy Rael, a woman of utmost integrity who has for decades manifested the “blood sign,” or stigmata, on her physical body. Lucy has long worked under the helm of the renowned healing revivalist T.L. Osborne. Not only did the blood sign appear before the gathered crowd in south Atlanta. Also, there were dramatic manifestations of thick, supernatural gold flakes and copious amounts of supernatural oil that flowed from Lucy’s hands as she ministered.

1Cor 12:7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

What common good does this manifestation promote does it do to build up the church?


This is not to say that all mystical Experiences are of Satan. But the only ones where in the true presence of God is palpable are those which occur at His initiation, not the initiation of men. Those who intrude into the spirit realm by their own volition are treading on dangerous ground, seeking to enter into the presence of God on their terms rather than on His terms. The presence of God through the indwelling Holy Spirit is sufficient for the true believer in Jesus. To seek beyond that whether by repetitious prayer, songs, or meditation is to disdain the gift of the Holy Spirit and to attempt to worship God as the heathen worship their gods. This is expressly forbidden by God's Word (Jeremiah 10:2; Matthew 6:7). Mystical religion, whether in the name of Jesus or false gods, goes beyond what the Father intends for us.

Taken from Article Stigmata Is Lucy Rael For Real.

Paul tells us in 1 Cor 12:31 But eagerly desirethe greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way.

What is the more excellent way. 1 Cor 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

The most excellent way is the way of love.

Luke 10:27 He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' and, Love your neighbor as yourself.

John, the Apostle of love, told us this long ago. “If we LOVE one another God abideth IN US, and His love is perfected IN US 1 John 4:12.

Is love ALONE really enough?

To answer such question, we need only just look at that wonderful 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians in order to realise what Divine Love can work in us.

Love suffers long”—it drives away all impatience.

Love is kind—it leaves room for no unkindness.

Love envies not-all jealousy is banished.

Love vaunteth not itself— boasting and self-assertion disappear.

Is not puffed up—pride finds no place in the heart.

Does not behave itself unseemly”-folly goes.

Seeks not its own — self is dead—selfishness will be unknown.

Is not provoked — anger and wrath will not be seen.

Takes no account of evil — brooding over so called “wrongs” will be no more. Malice and all uncharitableness are not found in the heart.

Bears all things — complaining will never be heard.

Hopes all things — despair, anxiety, despondency go.


That is the perfection that needs to be attained by Christians. 1 John 4:12

We don't need to go chasing these false signs and miricales described above this will only lead you into deception and enslavement, there is a more excellent way that is the way we need to walk.

Colin Murray

 2009/7/13 12:43Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


We as Christians need to recognize that not everything supernatural is necessarily spiritual. As Christians we must diligently guard our spirits against deception or else John wouldn't have written the following...

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2009/7/13 13:44Profile


If I want to get drunk (which I dont anymore) I can just get a mason jar of moonshine from any number of cousins I have...

I think I'll stay sober minded... like the Holy Spirit says in God's Word. There is nothing sober minded about this so-called "drunk in the Spirit" movement, nor is there anything scriptural about it.


 2009/7/13 16:04

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



I am thankful for this being mentioned and it is very blasphemous, so much so I really don't want to see it being seen by everyone especially those who are week in faith. To expose people to these videos can be very dangerous.

So I am locking this thread. May those of us that know about these things be diligent to pray for such men who are very deluded.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/7/13 19:42Profile

 a very very important question about your cousins Steve

I dont really know how to say this, or ask this, because its been bothering me here for a spell, thems cuzins that ya got.

Now as you know, the manufacture of strong drink IN itself is not sin. oh yes, drunkeness is sinful, but a bit of sipping likker against the cold night air is debateble...that aint whats bothering me.

you ask them whether they're running their shine thru pure copper tubing into copper pots, or they're running it thru PVC pipes into old steel bowls. Copper is good, PVC is pure and outright SIN!!!! and you tell 'em Florus says if they're using an old car aluminum radiator to make their shine, they're fixing to split hell wide open, its that bad.

I've seen many a fine man go blind drinking shine thats been made by any other means than copper, and its just wrong, its wrong, and you and I both know that. I just had to get that off my chest.

by the by, you know how all them WOF guys drive you crazy?, thats how this Crowder fellow makes me, what a terrrible terrible witness.


 2009/7/13 19:56

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