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 J. Vernon McGee

I know I'm a Johnny-Come-Lately with some things... thats what happens when the Lord doesn't save you until your an adult... but recently I discovered Dr. J. Vernon McGee and his Thru The Bible recordings.

Just curious what folks here think of his teachings. I've heard some stuff that makes me shout "AMEN"... and once in awhile I hear some stuff that makes me scratch my head.


 2009/4/21 10:00

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: J. Vernon McGee

I think he is a tremendous bible teacher and we have alot we can learn from him. I have him on the front page of the downloads on sermonindex:

[b]J. Vernon McGee (427)[/b]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/4/21 10:03Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: J. Vernon McGee


KrispyKrittr wrote:
I know I'm a Johnny-Come-Lately with some things... thats what happens when the Lord doesn't save you until your an adult... but recently I discovered Dr. J. Vernon McGee and his Thru The Bible recordings.

Just curious what folks here think of his teachings. I've heard some stuff that makes me shout "AMEN"... and once in awhile I hear some stuff that makes me scratch my head.


i have been blessed by much he written and preached, and as you say some things dont sit right with me, but mostly minor issues, on gifts and some other things i personally hold another view. But on the whole there is much meet for the hungry in his preaching, but as with all teachers and preachers we need to test it against the whole of Gods word.


 2009/4/21 10:12Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: J. Vernon McGee

Just weeks ago, on March 26, I was so impressed with his teaching ([b]recorded 35 years ago![/b]) on Isa. 1: 4-18 that I posted on SI ("for the record"). It is worth a listen on the linked archives if it is not on Sermonindex. Here is a link to that thread:[url=]Link to thread[/url]

One example of my personal experience with this ministry: In 1991, I was impressed to pray for the Word of God in the Berber language. Within a month I met a converted Muslim in my little town who had been arrested and tortured and given protection in America. Berber was his native language and he was hard pressed by God to translate "The Jesus Film" into that language. I sent one letter to Thru the Bible (with his name and contact number) because within a week after I met him, they mentioned the need for prayer for the program to go into that language. I thought that the local man, who would be the "radio voice" of McGee and this new convert might work together. TTB responded by return mail about the great danger in making/passing on contacts there (ie. no way). We agreed to simply pray. Three months later TTB contacted me saying that they had "run into one another at the airport" and that new certain converts were being given follow-up locally through TTB. We laughed and thanked God. There are now many small fellowships there that are a joy to hear about from time to time in their communications.

No one calls J.Vernon a prophet. Yet he expressed the same opinion as Katz about the current nation of Israel.

About Johnny-Come-Lately: God knew exactly what He was doing in your life. And knows this day with each of us. I have witnessed Him making up for the years the locusts ate in my life. In my opinion, I was far too old before He made Phi. 3:10 alive in my life.

I have found that head-scratching has a place in life. Some things just fall away and others are elaborated on over time.

I have to say Krispy, you manifest right on this forum the work God is doing in you. May this be true of all of us.

God bless all His servants "made for His pleasure"

 2009/4/21 13:45Profile

 Re: J. Vernon McGee


I love that ole boy, God rest that saints soul, many a time driving thru the sci-fi traffic in LA, have I listened to his voice and his Bible teachings. He's a good'un


 2009/4/21 14:09


I don't know much about him, other than that I read and hear in all kinds of places that he was outspoken against what they call "Lordship Salvation" (i.e. that Jesus has to be your Lord or your not saved). Apparently, in his theology, he believed that saving faith did not need to include any sort of commitment to Christ or that sinners don't need to surrender to the Lordship of Christ to be saved:

Allegedly J. Vernon Mcgee: "Every Christian should commit his life to Christ. However, no unsaved person is asked to commit his life to Christ.... God has only one question to ask the unsaved: "What will you do with My Son who died for you?" If you are unsaved, you are not asked to keep the Mosaic law. You are not asked to do anything. You are asked to believe God and trust Christ who did it all for your salvation. . . . You are saved by faith, faith plus nothing--not even commitment." Src:

All that is true, of course, except the last part which seperates faith from commitment, and from surrender to Christ as Lord.

A search on Google or a search engine by typing in "j vernon mcgee lordship salvation" or the like will pull up more results.

To be completely fair, I cannot verify that this quote came directly from Mcgee. I did not hear him for myself. But the evidence seems overwhelming when I research this.

So if this is all true, then I would say this. If you believe that Jesus can be your Savior without being your Lord, then you might be of one spirit with Mr. Mcgee. But if you believe that Christ is Lord and that true salvation must recognize that or else not be true salvation, I would suggest you be very careful. Mat. 7:24-27.

 2009/4/21 20:17

Joined: 2006/9/11
Posts: 294
North Pole, Alaska


I concur with the comments so far, and have my own "bible bus" story as well. My wife has been saved for nearly two years now and it has been very encouraging to see her grow in Christ.

She had been under the growing conviction from God that she should start wearing more skirts and dresses, as opposed to pants, to appear more feminine. She was struggling with the decision to do so and desired clear direction on the issue. We were at dinner and decided to pray that God would make it abundantly clear as to what He required from her.

On the drive home, I turned on the radio to catch the tail end of Walk Thru the Bible; and low and behold, Dr. McGee was addressing the topic of womens dress, and how it often is a reflection of their spiritual maturity (sloppy paraphrase). She recognized the clarity of His sign. The amazing thing was that the audio was recorded 35 years prior.

 2009/4/21 21:21Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


I enjoy listening to him on the radio and for the most part I agree with him. My main objection to him teaching is his staunch Dispensationalism. I once heard him describe the New Jerusalem as a literal sphere coming out of heaven.

But overall, he is a wonderful and gifted preacher of the gospel

 2009/4/21 21:50Profile


I've got Corrie Ten Boom's "Authority over demons" buffering at present but I grabbed this one for next in line from the 427 that SermonIndex posted.


Brother McGee's programs come on daily here on the radio, but having them here as well, so easy to find, is a blessing. Thank you!

 2009/4/21 21:52

Joined: 2009/2/1
Posts: 164


God has enriched my spiritual life through the radio ministry of J. Vernon MeGee.

 2009/4/22 10:47Profile

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