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Does anyone know if this board is being moderated or did everyone jump ship? [sigh]

 2009/1/24 21:25

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri

 Re: Moderators???

Both Greg and Mike have posted today.

[url=]Greg 1/24/09[/url]

[url=]Mike (crssck) 1/24/09[/url]

Robert Wurtz II

 2009/1/24 21:40Profile



RobertW wrote:
Both Greg and Mike have posted today.

[url=]Greg 1/24/09[/url]

[url=]Mike (crssck) 1/24/09[/url]

Thanks, there is a thread on here that has no place on this forum.

 2009/1/24 21:43


It would be nice if we could get some more moderators on this forum.

 2009/1/24 21:47

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri


It would be nice if we could get some more moderators on this forum

Perhaps we could make it a matter of prayer? Moderating these forums would be a very taxing job for anyone. I sometimes wonder how they do it.

There are several folks that have been around for a while and can kind of help steer things.

I must have missed that thread?

Robert Wurtz II

 2009/1/24 21:55Profile



RobertW wrote:
It would be nice if we could get some more moderators on this forum

Perhaps we could make it a matter of prayer? Moderating these forums would be a very taxing job for anyone. I sometimes wonder how they do it.

There are several folks that have been around for a while and can kind of help steer things.

Great idea.

 2009/1/24 22:06

Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77

 Re: Moderators???

I commend the moderators for the amount of activity I do see from them in these threads. Also, I've kept up with the active threads and haven't seen any that I would consider to be destructive. Sure, not all posts are centered on exalting the majesty of God, but even the controversial ones can have positive results as dialogue insues and herecies are disspelled or questions are explained. If there are wolves among us, I am confident that there are enough experienced shepherds on SI to engage or silence them.

Buck Yates

 2009/1/24 22:09Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151


have you taken your concerns to the moderators through private message?

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/24 23:07Profile


Do we need micro management? There is such a thing as too much moderating. I've watched them do their work, when it something important that needs to be addressed, they'll step in.

 2009/1/24 23:33


Yes, I did take it to a brother yesterday who is not a moderator but mature. No, I don't believe we have to micro manage.

To be honest with you when I see brothers and sisters on this forum putting up threads worthy of a reply and than I see those who are supposed to be more mature believers instead replying to threads that have no place on this forum I find it shocking.

The church is in such bad shape. I have only found a few on here with any discernment at all it seems. Seriously unless we get our house in order meaning this forum we have no room to talk.

We are living in the last days and we need to use our time wisely, not wasting it on things that are of no profit.

I really do not mean to sound harsh but it needs to be said.

 2009/1/25 8:30

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