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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Revival's Prelude

Devotional: Before Revival can start, one must confess freely their sins and daily turn from them. One must commit to a life change and prove it out ere Revival will bless their life. This is the order of things….plain and simple. Revival is a gift from GOD to those who seek HIM with both broken spirits and contrite hearts….as David mentions in the Psalms. The groanings and utterings are simply what the Holy Spirit shares with GOD as HE intercedes for us. Though we cannot hear these things, when your heart is in such a humbled state, then Favor is rained down from Heaven in both the amounts and in the time frame HE deems best for you. Wait then, as such, on HIS favor by PROACTIVELY confessing all…and waiting on bent knee at the foot of HIS Cross! Amen and amen!

Revival’s Prelude

What steps precede choral outpourings from angels?
Confessional prayers? Pre-requisite actions?
As each finds their point of progression t’wards GOD
so the answers are varied yet flowing with passion.

There are servants – expectant – who came with hands lifted
whilst others – now kneeling – beg mercy from CHRIST.
Ere approaching HIS throne so their goal, preparation!
Yes, prior to entrance, they humble their lives!

Then uplifting their eyes and soul spirits as one,
so a voice broke the silent surroundings.
But not with the chords of Revival’s extreme.
Rather! Groanings were witnessed….abounding!

None grasped any sound save the Saviour alone
and in HIS perfect will so was Heav’n spilt apart…
to rain down HIS presence on each waiting soul
whose confessions – core deep – meant Revival…could start!

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch


 2007/10/30 6:17Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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