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Joined: 2004/7/23
Posts: 210



 2007/1/13 9:51Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: The Heart of God Behind Rebuke

Mattie, I believe that your meditation reflects the heart of God, which is the Spirit of Christ, and the Good News of the Resurrection. It is not hard to find examples in scripture of those who came to Christ because they met HIM, not because they received a lecture on law. Ex. Zacheus. God’s Spirit can convict better than any of us, and sometimes when we try too hard to pronounce law and condemnation, we quench the Spirit. Not only that, we risk becoming Satan’s instruments of condemnation and shame, and do little to inspire faith in our beloved Lord. (see Rom. 6)

The law in itself condemns, but it also points to our need for Christ. The question is: Do we use Law as a tyrant or as an instrument for salvation. It all depends on what God’s grace means to us and what we have experienced of it. After all, we can’t give what we don’t have. Have we experienced grace for ourselves? Or are we ourselves still reliant on our own fleshly ability to keep the law?

This is the true test of a prophet.

I use the test of grace when discerning one’s word. If it is merely a word of man, it will lay heavy burdens on me – like guilt, condemnation, hopelessness, or leave me in its own airy-fairy denial. Regardless, it will not move me towards my Lord.

On the other hand, a true word from the Lord is filled with grace. It encourages and edifies my faith, and inspires me to relinquish my own fleshly self-reliances. It empowers me to live for Christ. After all he gives ABUNDANT Life – by his grace.

"See to it that no one misses the grace of God... "
Heb.. 12:15



 2007/1/13 10:34Profile

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