Poster | Thread | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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The Deeper Meaning of Pentecost 1. Pentecost in its outworking - or the presence of the Holy Spirit here - will mean that those in whom the Spirit operates and has His way will never be able to rest short of Gods full thought for themselves or for others.
They will be deeply exercised and burdened and will be drawn into the travail of Christ, to fill up that which is lacking of His sufferings for His Bodys sake which is the Church. This man in Christ is a marked man, he is marked from heaven as one whose whole heart is taken up with this great concern that what is there should be found here: that what is true of Christ, the Man in the glory, should be more fully expressed here in this new man, the Church, the Body.
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/15 8:13 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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The Deeper Meaning of Pentecost
2. That is an operation of the Holy Spirit; and if you tell me that the Holy Spirit is having His way, and yet there is complacency with things that are not according to Christ, I say that is a contradiction; it cannot be. If you are perfectly satisfied with things as they are in yourself or in other believers, and have no real concern that there should be a full conformity to the image of Christ and that the whole Body should be brought to the measure of the stature of a man in Christ, the Spirit of God is not doing His work in you. Pentecost in its deeper meaning will produce that. The very fact that so soon after His advent the Church moved out as by Divine urge to seek the members of the Body and then to bring them into full conformity is proof positive that the Spirit of God is seeking to perfect a Body, a manhood, according to that Man Who has been revealed as in the glory. . .
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/15 9:33 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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3. The Lord is very greatly concerned about spiritual measure, although His people are not so concerned; and. . . Christ, the Man in fulness, is coming down to be like a measuring rod beside His Church, and to say, This is where you are not true, and you must adjust; this is where you have excesses, and they must go; this is where you have deficiencies, and they must be made good.
It is the Spirit of God at work all the time to see to it that in all details we are according to Christ, the Spirit of God working in relation to that perfect measure that is in heaven, the measure for this Body, for this collective man, in all its parts. . .
The Man in the glory, being at Gods right hand exalted, established, settled, is the assured realization of Gods end. . . The Spirit of sonship has come, not to try and do something, not with a hope that it may be; He has come in all the sovereignty of that One there, and it is going to be. . . There is a Man in the glory; the Spirit of God has come and has entered into us with just one object-to make all things abound toward the reproducing of that Man in us, in measure individually, and in the collective measure of the individuals in one glorified Body, Christ corporate. September, 1947
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/15 10:28 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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The God Who Raises the Dead Death is the thing which pronounces an end. Whenever you and I say, This is the end, we are finished!-we have succumbed to death. That is the verdict of death, for death always says that. The Church should never believe in ends - that is to capitulate to death. Although a thousand times in ourselves we might feel the end has come, in the very experience which brings us to that place God has invested a new realization that in Him that finality is cancelled out.
We should never expect an end until God says That is the end! . . . God is trying to bring us to the place where we stop expecting what the Devil is constantly offering through circumstances - death, an end, limitation. God is all the time thinking of increase, enlargement. . . God allows very deep and hard and painful things - things which bring us in ourselves really to the point of giving up, where we pass the verdict of death upon ourselves. He allows them with this object, that - however much we may have known and proved the truth in our earlier experience - He may bring us yet a stage further into the power and good of it, that God raiseth the dead.If He does that, then there is hope for anybody and for anything.
Again and again in the course of our history, we shall be at the place where there is no hope but in God Who raiseth the dead (2 Cor. 1:9) if there is to be any future at all. We shall come there in our own soul life - that we are at an end of our resources, mind, heart, and will. We may come ofttimes in our very physical life to the place where, if God does not do something, it is an end. We shall come there in the work of God - where everything seems to declare that this is the finish of the work, there is nothing more possible; but now is the occasion for the God Who raises the dead, the God of promise, the God of Isaac, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. December, 1947
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/16 5:16 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
| Re: Cuts and quotes | |
The Cost of Enlightenment We know that the book of Joshua is the book of the inheritance. The people are going in to possess, to occupy, to exploit, to inherit. But what was the very first move, when Israel had come to the borders of the land, forty years previously? The setting up of Intelligence. Spies were sent to spy out the land. Joshua sent over intelligence officers, his Intelligence Corps. Intelligence was a tremendously important thing here. We might say that Joshua and Caleb were themselves the very embodiment of the principle of Intelligence. It was they who brought the report which, in the long run, resulted in a people going in and possessing. But note at this point an interesting and impressive and significant thing. The people thought to stone them! You see, the enemy is not only over there in the land - he is entrenched in the very hearts of the people themselves, he has got a footing there. How true that is to principle and to history! Let any of the people of God begin to get some new light, and, as the Lords instrument, they will become the object of Satans hatred: He will stir up forces to stone that Instrument. He hates Instruments of spiritual enlightenment.
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/16 23:48 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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The Need to Press On There is a vast amount in the Kingdom that we have never suspected - do believe that. There is more for all of us to know than anybody on this earth knows - far more than the very greatest saints, the most advanced Christians, know of the purpose of God. Paul intimates that. In his Philippian letter he makes it clear that even at the end of his life, he has yet to apprehend, he needs still to know. That I may know. . . (Phil. 3:10). There is far more to know.
. . . Are you going to allow your life simply to be boxed up within the measure that you know, or within the measure of other people? No - it is the measure of Christ that is Gods end. . . till we all attain unto the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full-grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). No movement, no society, no evangelical organization, no church on this earth has come to that yet, but that is the objective in view. March, 1949
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/17 21:48 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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The Testimony Before the Work . . . The Lord is more concerned for a testimony than for a work. We need to get clear on that. A good deal of confusion comes in when you begin to think of things in the light of a work. When you get a lot of people leaving their employment to go into the work, all kinds of complications arise; and really the Lord is not, in the first place, after the work. I am not saying you are not to work for the Lord, but in the first place it is not the work the Lord is after, it is a testimony, it is a light, a living flame. January, 1950
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/18 7:47 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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Reaching a Place of Strategic Value Jobs was a tremendous climb out of a miry condition, up and out into that place of vindication where the Lord could point to him in a new way and say to others, This man is the key to the answer to your prayers and you will not get any answer to prayer unless he stands in the breach: your spiritual interests and destiny hang Upon him. That is tremendous: that a man should have reached some specific point where the destiny of many others hangs upon him, and God has determined it and said it in so many words - Your spiritual good is bound up with this man; I have had to bring him to this position for your sake. November, 1950
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/20 9:45 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
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Standing for Gods Full Thought God has set His heart upon having His whole counsel represented. . . God must have that whole counsel found in representation or He is defeated, and so He sets to work to bring those who will come, who will pay the price, into this position which, in the first place, satisfies Him, and in the second place, serves Him in that purpose; and a basic essential is a passion in our hearts for Gods fullest thought. If He is going to lead us into it, He must have that response in us for His own satisfaction. January, 1951
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/21 4:43 | Profile | lwpray Member

Joined: 2003/6/22 Posts: 3318 Sweden
| Re: Cuts and quotes | |
Gods Wise Providences The operations of the Holy Spirit, and the providential ways of God - strange, mysterious providences - these are all designed to keep us on the stretch. Any life that is really under the government of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, will never be allowed to settle down, will always be kept on the move - oh, yes, by strange means.
The Lord knows how to deal with you and me. He knows the tendencies of our makeup, our constitution, our natures. He knows us exactly, everyone of us, and (oh, that we could believe it, really believe it always!) the way in which we are going is the way that the infinite, inscrutable wisdom of God knows to be the only way by which we shall come to a greater measure of the Lord. He vetoes much in order to economize, to ensure that we shall not be spreading ourselves too widely but be directed into the essential channels. July, 1951
_________________ Lars Widerberg
| 2004/1/21 23:47 | Profile |