|Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it you| (John xvi.23).
Two men go to the bank cashier, both holding in their hands a piece of paper. One is dressed in expensive style, and presents a gloved and jeweled hand; the other is a rough, unwashed workman. The first is rejected with a polite sentence, and the second receives a thousand dollars over the counter. What is the difference? The one presented a worthless name; the other handed in a note endorsed by the president of the bank. And so the most virtuous moralist will be turned away from the gates of mercy, and the vilest sinner welcomed in if he presents the name of Jesus.
What shall we give to infinite purity and righteousness? Jesus! No other gift is worthy for God to receive. And He has given Him to us for this very end, to give back as our substitute and satisfaction. And He has |testified| of this gift what He has of no other, namely, that in Him He is well pleased and all who receive Him |are accepted in the Beloved.| Shall we accept the testimony that God is satisfied with His Son? Shall we be satisfied with Him?