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Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody


|I Am Trusting Jesus| -- A Young Lady's Trust.

The other Sunday, when I was speaking on |Trust,| a person came to me next day and said, |I want to tell you how I was saved. You remember you told about that lady who sought Christ three years and could not find Him, and when you told that, it was I. I was in that same condition and through your story I got light.| I don't think I have ever told it but what somebody got light and life. I will tell it again, for I would go up and down the world telling it if I could get a convert. One night I was preaching, and happening to cast my eyes down during the sermon, I saw two eyes just riveted upon me. Every word that fell from my lips she just seemed to catch with her own lips, and I was very anxious to go down where she was. After the Sermon I went to the pew and said, |My friend, are you a Christian?| |Oh, no,| said she, |I wish I was. I have been seeking Christ three years and I cannot find Him.| Said I; |Oh, there is a great mistake about that.| Says she, |'Do you think I am not in earnest? Do you think, sir, I have not been seeking Christ?| Said I, |I suppose you think you have, but Christ has been seeking you these twenty years, and it would not take an anxious sinner and an anxious Saviour three years to meet, and if you had been really seeking Him you would have found Him long before this.| |What would you do, then?| Said I, |Do nothing, only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.| |Oh,| said she, |I have heard that till my head swims. Everybody says, believe! believe! believe! and I am none the wiser. I don't know what you mean by it.| |Very well,| said I, |I will drop the word; but just trust the Lord Jesus Christ to save.| |If I say I trust Him, will He save me?| |No, you may do a thousand things; but if you really trust Him, He will save you.| |Well,| said she, |I trust Him, but I don't feel any different.| |Ah,| said I, |I have found your difficulty. You have been hunting for feeling all these three years. You have not been looking for Christ.| Says she, |Christians tell how much joy they have got.| |But,| said I, |you want Christian experience before you get one. Instead of trusting God, you are looking for Christian experience.| Then I said: |Right here in this pew, just commit yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and trust Him, and you will be saved,| and I held her right to that word |trust,| which is the same as the word |believe| in the Old Testament. |You know what it is to trust a friend. Cannot you trust God as a friend?| She looked at me for five minutes, it seemed, and then said slowly: |Mr. Moody, I trust the Lord Jesus Christ this night to save my soul.| Turning to the pastor of the church she took him by the hand and repeated the declaration. Turning to an elder in the church she said again the solemn words, and near the door, meeting another officer of the church, she repeated for the fourth time, |I am trusting Jesus,| and went off home. The next night when I was preaching I saw her right in front of me, |Eternity| written in her eyes, her face lighted up, and when I asked inquirers to go into the other room she was the first to go in. I wondered at it, for I could see by her face that she was in the joy of the Lord. But when I got in I found her with her arms around a young lady's neck, and I heard her say, |It is only just trusting. I stumbled over it three years and found it all in trusting;| and the three weeks I was there she led more souls to Christ than anybody else. If I got a difficult case I would send it to her. Oh, my friends, won't you trust Him? Let us put our trust in Him.

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