|I Have Intellectual Difficulties.|
There is another voice coming down from the gallery yonder: |I have intellectual difficulties; I cannot believe.| A man came to me sometime ago and said, |I cannot.| |Cannot what?| I asked. |Well,| said he, |I cannot believe.| |Who?| |Well,| he repeated, |I cannot believe.| |Who?| I asked. |Well -- I -- can't -- believe -- myself.| |Well, you don't want to.| [Laughter.] Make yourself out false every time, but believe in the truth of Christ. If a man says to me, |Mr. Moody, you have lied to me; you have dealt falsely with me,| it may be so, but no man on the face of the earth can say that God ever dealt unfairly, or that He lied to him. If God says a thing it is true. We don't ask you to believe in any man on the face of the earth, but we ask you to believe in Jesus Christ, who never lied -- who never deceived any one. If a man says he cannot believe Him, he says what is untrue.