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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 114 Bavaria. 8s & 7s D. Christ Our Example.

The Otterbein Hymnal by Edmund S. Lorenz

114 Bavaria. 8s & 7s D. Christ Our Example.

Christ Our Example. (251)

Ever would I fain be reading,
In the ancient holy Book,
Of my Savior's gentle pleading,
Truth in ev'ry word and look.
How to all the sick and tearful
Help was ever gladly shown;
How he sought the poor and fearful,
Called them brothers and his own.

2 How no contrite soul e'er sought him,
And was bidden to depart;
How, with gentle words he taught him,
Took the death from out his heart.
Still I read the ancient story, --
And my joy is ever new, --
How for us he left his glory,
How he still is kind and true.

3 How the flock he gently leadeth,
Whom his Father gave him here;
How his arms he widely spreadeth,
To his heart to draw us near.
Let me kneel, my Lord! before thee,
Let my heart in tears o'erflow,
Melted by thy love adore thee,
Blessed in thee, mid joy or woe.

Ger., Louisa Hensel, 1829.
Tr., Catherine Winkworth, 1858

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