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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-2-84] And herein consisteth the infinite goodness of God, in the birth of all intelligent creaturesà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-2-84] And herein consisteth the infinite goodness of God, in the birth of all intelligent creaturesà

And herein consisteth the infinite goodness of God, in the birth of all intelligent creatures; and also the exceeding height, perfection, and happiness of their created state: they are descended from God, full of divine power; they can will and work with God, and partake of the divine happiness. They can receive no injustice, hurt, or violence, either from nature or creature; but must be only that, which they generate, and have no evil or hurt, but that which they do in and to themselves. All things stand in the will, and everything animate or inanimate is the effect and produce of that will, which worketh in it, and formeth it to be that which it is. And every will, wherever found, is the birth and effect of some antecedent will; for will can only proceed from will, till you come to the first working will, which is God himself.

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