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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : G.W. North : One Body — Many Members

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Now at the time of birth a babe, having been perfectly formed in the womb, is born complete. Every member of its body is in its correct place, precisely shaped and fitted for its later use in relationship to the whole body according to the need or will of the person to whom it belongs. As an illustration of this we will speak about one member of the body — the hand — and will do so as an example of what might be said of each according to its own particular place and function in the body.

By its very position, structure and function, the hand, with its many joints, palm, fingers and thumb is admirably fashioned and perfectly suited to the multiple use to which it may properly be put later in life. In so far as its form is concerned, it is already perfect, nothing needs to be added to it: it is perfectly shaped to do all that ought ever to be required of it. All it needs to do in order to meet every contingency that life may demand of it is to grow and develop. The only things that are missing at birth are strength, size and skill to accomplish general and special(ised) works. These (as we know) depend upon growth and training, which in turn are determined by many other factors which need not here be mentioned.

So also it is with us at the time of our Baptism into the body of Jesus Christ. Being at that time born members of His spiritual body, we are each one as particularly fitted to be a member of that body as is a hand to the physical body. Every born member is as a gift of the Spirit to that body, so that both the member and the body should function aright. When the gift of eternal life by spiritual regeneration is given, quite often also, together with that birth, at least one gift of the Spirit is bestowed. If any member does not find this so, in simple faith, yet without strain, he should seek unto the Lord. No spiritual effort should be regarded as too great in order to secure one, so that meaningful, functional membership may be acquired. For as the hand is a gift from God to the physical body, enabling it to function aright, so also is a member with (a) gift of the Spirit a gift from God to the whole spiritual body of Christ.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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