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Oh my, I think we're having a failure to communicate. (I think that quote came from some movie ?)

The reference to you, was actually a response to your Thread to me. that in fact I did not want to engage in.

I'll state this once and then I think it's time for me to go to bed.

Major #1 ~ My 2 posts on page one were not posted "to you".

#2 ~ You complained about my post 'twice', so I am not "meddling".
Because I would not have any need to address you at all on this thread, if you had not Complained about my post, that was not to you, but just my posting to the 'subject' of this thread. And it still is just to the subject of this thread.

As a matter of fact, before I posted it, I hadn't even read your post.

I don't know you from Adam, but I was just giving you the chance to show me, where my post offended you.

God Bless Ellie.

 2005/8/1 3:52

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 189


Your Quote:
You complained about my post 'twice', so I am not "meddling".

Your Thread Talked of the word HUMBLE which is a word I used in my Thread. you were the second one to Place a Thread about it, Tiltedhalo was the first person who Placed a Thread about it.

Now then if it was not in reference to me, then I apologise.
I have not lacked in communication. I have communicated and this is now the 8th Thread in defending my good name (as they say)

This was not a very nice thing to say, I would not use qoutes from Movies. But I apologise for placeing it on my Thread that is not worthy of it.
Your Quote:

I think that quote came from some movie ?

[b][size=xx-small]'Jesus was a man of few words'[/size][/b]

It came from a book that Derek Prince Wrote.

And I should only place it on a worthy Thread.

Now that I have placed it on two threads, I would like to say that I read it many years ago. The parrarel was we human beings, in that we can be very Wordy people. It struck at the time that both were so true. That is partly why I won't engage in the amount of content in a reply to me. When most of it does not apply,I cannot see any reason to spend lengthy time answering it.


 2005/8/1 4:13Profile

Joined: 2005/7/18
Posts: 57
Brooklyn, USA

 Re: wow

Wow. I really hate this.

I am sorry Elizabeth if anything I've said was not received in love, as it was produced by love.

Flaunting your blessed age around doesn't win kudos with God nor man. And I mean that sincerely, falunting the age that God has blessed you with ... doesn't mean a thing.

I haven't attacked you, & I will not begin now but sister you really need to check yourself. Seriously, I do not know you but that doesn't mean I do not love you as a sister in Christ & I can understand how hard it can be to receive critique, but it is the truth. I am not sorry for it. I am sorry for the way you have received it. BUT nonetheless it is not my obligation.

I read what you posted. I replied with what the Holy Spirit has lead me to bear witness to. I have given you respect, patience, & what I believe has helped me in a great way.

You shout from the pit of your stomach that you have age, wisdom, & a number of other things above me ... and I am the immature Christian? And you complain about things not being edifying on this site?

You need not reply. I need not you to reply. We all as a whole just want you to think about some things. I pray that I would receive a timely word when it is my time again. Which it is.

God help me, an unworthy sinner.

In Christ

Arnaldo Santiago, Jnr.

 2005/8/1 18:54Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 189

 Re:TiltedHalo on 2005/8/1 ellie Replies to you......

In an earlier thread you Quoted the composition below.

In your reference to this, do you see all the content, being composed by me?

Quote: You are living a life of ease and things are just wonderful all about. God has been using you and you are getting recognition and you just can't help but be proud of yourself. Hmmmm.

Do you not think that the "Proud" that you felt, is a humble, well pleased, having done servie for God and succeeded and completed a purpose for God. Happy that you have fulfilled a purpose?

I know what pride is and try not to have that.

But this is the way I feel sometimes.
Like When I sing and worship him I am pleased that I make an effort in worship to him and that he fills my worship to him, with himself

I also at times, I kind of beam sometimes, if I feel that say, I have overcome a struggle or done a purpose for God that day. Quietly being pleased with having made the effort.


 2005/8/1 20:36Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 189

 Re:ellie: Replies to Tiltedhalo. With, 'The Answer To My Question to you' on my Last Posted Threa

Re:TiltedHalo on 2005/8/1 ellie Replies to you......

ellie: Replies to Tiltedhalo. With, 'The Answer To My Question to you' on my Last Posted Thread To You. 2005/8/21

In an earlier thread you Quoted the composition below.

In your reference to this, 'do you see all the content, being composed by me'''?

Answer : The quote below is a piece from Lahry's Post, he wrote this. I Quoted it on my Thread in Reply to him.

Quote: You are living a life of ease and things are just wonderful all about. God has been using you and you are getting recognition and you just can't help but be proud of yourself. Hmmmm.

This Is the Reply to Him and it is not meant to have, Self Righteousness in any meaning, of the word or any words like it.

My explanation, below may be not, all the right words to describe but then I do not have a Masters Degree in words. I was Trying to explain that Freedom of relationship that I have with him. I don't live with religion or the law of the word. I live in the new covenant with him. And through what I described of my personal walking with him. I would have thought it was plain to see that I have a wonderful freedom relationship with him, born out of things that you would not be able to comprehend.
I am an individual with him. And the word of God is precious to me. I had to follow the scripture that he instructed me in, throughout which on many occasions I wanted at times to do it my way, but this would have led to destruction. And so I Had to bite my tongue endure the pain and overcome, with him.

Explanation. of my reply to Lahry's Post

So this was me trying to describe How I feel with him, perhaps this is my walk and not for others. Perhaps my walk it is too personal to tell. I would imagine God wants us all to come into personal walks with him, following his word. People’s walks can be spoiled by others.
But sometimes I think God might want to see some of us smile in him.

Perhaps those who have answered me might take some time out with God looking at their own personalities, in the way they reply to others.
I check myself on the basics of faith in my daily living. I have been practicing this checking myself since before I became a Christian, as I was aware of the basics. Yes I got it wrong on occasions throughout my life and need to repent. There are many things in daily living and conversation with all kinds of people, that I have not engaged in, and sometimes with some difficulty.
So you see that I don’t need to be made aware, I have been and always will be. And abiding in it can be very hard, going through ever changing situations that come before us.

My reply toLahry's Post

Do you not think that the "Proud" that you felt, is a humble, well pleased, having done service for God and succeeded and completed a purpose for God. Happy that you have fulfilled a purpose?

I know what pride is and try not to have that.

But this is the way I feel sometimes.
Like When I sing and worship him I am pleased that I make an effort in worship to him and that he fills my worship to him, with himself

I also at times, I kind of beam sometimes, if I feel that say, I have overcome a struggle or done a purpose for God that day. Quietly being pleased with having made the effort.

'The word Effort'
[The word effort, is in connection with, I do not have full health and have not done so throughout my walk With God. And so the health that I do have is spent on God. I don't know when I go sleep at night, how I am going to be. There are days when I able to go into town and take a look around until I need to go home. I haven’t been on outings or holidays for 15 years.
But I do have something wonderful and that is, I God. I always want to dance and sing and I tell people what he has done for me. I look forward to being well. And praying what he would have me Pray for others situations, I am getting more of a close delight with him as each day goes by. He has called me to pray that is a function I can do.

Further to this Thread I would like to add the following:
Looking at my critic’s threads on subjects to other people.
I have been edified with some of your threads to them and your threads very interesting.

And Now.....
I repent unto you O! God, for any hurt, in any thread to GrannieAnnie and TiltedHalo from myself and I forgive them for any hurt that they may have caused me. That you would, heal the hurts and pour out your love upon us. And I thank you almighty God. Amen


55years who appears as if 35 years old. Happy, cheerfull, laughing at my own jokes, my daughter wonders why I am laughing, as she puzzles to figure what is funny. If anyone asked people to describe me they would say. Always cheerfull and always laughing.

I Thankyou Lahry for putting up with these Threads back and forth, On Your Posting.

 2005/8/2 21:33Profile

 Re: Dear Ellie

This thread didn't look like it was going anywhere, so I overlooked it, only to come back and read all the posts here. I apologize for not answering sooner.

First of all, I want to respond to your questions and comments to me;

Quote: You are living a life of ease and things are just wonderful all about. God has been using you and you are getting recognition and you just can't help but be proud of yourself. Hmmmm.

Sister, for me, to be used of God in any capacity to bless another is just joy unspeakable. To me, there is a very thin line between joy, and pride. I am continually searching what I do as ministry, what little bit there is, to be sure that I dont' portray myself as anything but a wretched sinfilled fool without Christ in my life.

I am only encouraged in that God chose some other wierd people in times past to accomplish His will and purpose. Why? I suppose that it gives hope to all to be used of God if they so desire.

Yes, like most others, I do want to be used of God. When I know He is moving through my ministry, I just overflow. My heart is very tender, and I don't apologize for it. But I just get overwhelmed.

What really makes me uncomfortable in ministry is when others express love and gratitude for something "I've done". We all need to be encouraged. We all need to know that our efforts have benefited someone somewhere. But I shriek from taking any glory that belongs to God.

My life as a saved child of God is a gift. His longsuffering has let me experience enough that I may have a bit of wisdom bottled up. But I have no glory in it. It is all God.

That is why I continually tell people here, that if what I write here blesses you, praise God, not Lahry. I just operate the keys. That is the extent of my work. I dont' do a lot of prep. I just respond to what's going on in my heart. But I have nothing to glory in except Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.

Oh, woa is me if I dare think that I could ever put the enemy to flight. I relate so well to Gideon because I continually feel like the odds of my success are not very good since I am so often completely outnumbered by the impossible. But then I have to realize Whose I am and Who is in me. It's all about Him, not me. A cup cannot quench a thirst. But a cup can hold the thirst quencher. All I am is a cup. Yes I hold the living water. But I am not the living water. If there is no water, I have no purpose. Being full of hot air benefits no one.

I have many things I could share about events in my past. What holds me back is that it may seem like I'm trying to glorify myself. I simply cannot stay at the cross and do that. Let me bear the shame and reproach of the cross. That is where my joy comes from.

One more thing. I'm no longer a man pleaser. I have finally been delivered from the curse of pleasing man instead of God. That does not give me license to be rude. But I'm free of trying to measure up to anyone, or compare myself to anyone. I simply am what I am by His mercy and grace. To God be the glory, now and forever amen.

Because He lives,


 2005/8/3 8:02

Joined: 2005/7/18
Posts: 57
Brooklyn, USA



That is amazing. You are free from the man-pleasing doctrine of life that so plagues the lot of us.

May the Lord find favor in you =)

God Bless

Arnaldo Santiago, Jnr.

 2005/8/3 22:01Profile

 Re: Tilted

That did not come easy brother. I used to lead one miserable life trying to live up to everyone else's expectations and jockey for position. What an unbearable yoke that is. The only One I need to please is God. He alone validates who I am because He alone is my source of all things. Without Him I can do nothing. I am secure in Him, therefore I do not need any other stamp of approval for what I say and do.
That in no way means I'm arrogant. I pray I am not. But I'm just free of ringing my hands and wondering if somebody is going to recognize that God choses to use me on occasion to bless others. If God is in it, the people who get blessed know it. If God is not in it, the people who need to be blessed know it.
I thank God I no longer have to beat myself up inside for not measuring up to what some man or woman expects of me. Jesus has already measured up for me, what God expects me to be. I rest in Him. Man pleasing has no rest in it, only anxiety. The bible says be anxious for nothing. That is only possible, as I see it, if we seek only to please God and live for His good pleasure. Even the desire to do that comes from Him. So who will I glory in but Him.
I depend on the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me, not some big name figure on t-v or down at the steeple house. Yes I go to church. But not to please others. I go to join in with others in the worship of my God.
Hope this helps. God bless you real good today is my prayer.

just an old cup,


 2005/8/3 23:06

Joined: 2005/7/18
Posts: 57
Brooklyn, USA

 Re: Lahry

Hm. Glory to God & He alone brother. Hm. =)

Arnaldo Santiago, Jnr.

 2005/8/4 1:11Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: A bit of untangling

Had been meaning to respond to this thread as somethings didn't sit quite right...

Coming back to it found it slightly confusing as this one quote;

Quote: You are living a life of ease and things are just wonderful all about. God has been using you and you are getting recognition and you just can't help but be proud of yourself. Hmmmm.

Almost seemed on the surface to be expressed by Ellie but was actually the starter from the original post by Lahry. Knowing and recognizing Lahry and his wonderful penchant and understanding of Who is doing what, that I concur with wholeheartedly, Lahry, to summarize it gives me the willies as well to hear some things as you well expressed here;
What really makes me uncomfortable in ministry is when others express love and gratitude for something "I've done". We all need to be encouraged. We all need to know that our efforts have benefited someone somewhere. But I shriek from taking any glory that belongs to God.

There is always that same 'fear and trembling' sense of wonder if I am making sense... it's just a suspicion of 'me' creeping in to 'God's' thought's that we are hoping to express. It could get bogged down into paranoia at some point and you end up just having to even check those thoughts and dismiss them. All the rest here fills it all out besides what you have expressed in the past around these parts.

But the troublesome part in all this was some of the misunderstandings I believe that came forth out of an expression from Ellie that made it seem wrong to get any enjoyment out of something that 'she' and for that matter you or I and the others making comments here may get as benefactors of the Lord working in conjunction with, in and through us. So to that end and better expressed by a man that I cannot apologize for the constant bringing up of, will just let him speak to it, a bit on the longish side, perhaps will break it into sections.

Just for some perspective.

[b]Now Is It Possible—[/b]

[i]And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23[/i]

We never can be faultless in this life, but God’s Book brings out that we must be blameless, that is, undeserving of censure from God’s standpoint, and remember what His standpoint is. He can see into every crook and cranny of my spirit and soul and body, and He demands that I be blameless in all my relationships so that He Himself can see nothing worthy of censure. The revelation is one which shows the supernaturalness of the work of sanctification. It cannot be done by praying, by devoting myself, by believing; it can only be done by the supernatural power of a supernatural God.

[b]1. To Be Blameless in My Self Life?[/b]

[i]I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.[/i]

Now where are we? Is there the tiniest element of the conviction of the Spirit of God? If so, yield to Him at once. We must distinguish between the working of our own suspicions and the checking of the Spirit of God who works as quietly and silently as a breeze. As He brings back to our mind our bodily life in this past week in public and in private, in eating and drinking, have we been blameless in our self life? Sanctification means that God keeps my whole spirit and soul and body undeserving of censure in His sight.

Take the soul—how have we been conducting our imaginations, our motives, our fancies, and all the working of our reasoning life; is there anything for the Spirit of God to check and censure? We must not say because we are sanctified we are sure to be right. The seal of sanctification in the practical life is that it is blameless, undeserving of censure before God. Blamelessness is not faultlessness; faultlessness was the condition of the Lord Jesus Christ. We never can be faultless in this life, we are in impaired human bodies; but by sanctification we can be blameless. Our disposition can be supernaturally altered until in the simplicity of life before God the whole limit is holy, and if that is to be done, it must be by the great grace of God. “My peace I give unto you.” The Spirit of God works with an amazing zeal on Christ’s words.

“I pray God your whole spirit . . . be preserved blameless.” Are we spiritually affected before God? Are our petitions our own? Do we put our will into them? Do we borrow our sentiments, or are they really ours? Paul does not say we are to be blameless in our self life in the view of other people. We never shall be; Jesus Christ was not. It was said of His bodily life—“Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber,”† of His soul life—“He . . . is mad,”† and of His spirit life—“He hath a devil"†; but before God He was blameless. Some of us are so concerned about being blameless before men that we are to be blamed before God. The apostle Paul prays that we may be sanctified and preserved blameless; then it is a matter of absolute indifference what anyone thinks of us, but it is not a matter of indifference what God’s Holy Spirit thinks of us.

If we are sanctified by the power of the God of peace, our self life is blameless before Him, there is nothing to hide; and the more we bring our soul under the searchlight of God the more we realise the ineffable comfort of the supernatural work He has done.

Of ourselves we can never be any of the things God says we must be. We can never be blameless by thinking about it, or by praying about it, but only by being sanctified, and that is God’s absolute sovereign work of grace. “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”† Do I believe God can sanctify me? “Christ Jesus . . . is made unto us . . . sanctification.” Have we the quiet confidence of a child that the life of Jesus Christ can be formed in us until the relationship to God of spirit, soul and body is without blame before Him? It is not the perfection of attainment in thinking, or in bodily life, or in worship, but the perfection of a blameless disposition, nothing in it to censure, and that in the eyes of God who sees everything.

Is it possible to be blameless in our self life? Paul says it is, and the writer to the Hebrews states that it is by sanctification we are made one with Jesus. “For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one” (Hebrews 2:11). That is the glorious work of Jesus Christ in our life. Has He performed His work in us or has He not? Do not ask anybody else about it, the Holy Spirit will show you as clearly as can be. If you are right with God, you would not thank the angel Gabriel for telling you, because you know it. It will be the witness not of a word only, but nothing less than absolute agreement with God’s standard when He brings you up against it.

Chambers, O. [i]The love of God[/i].

Mike Balog

 2005/8/7 11:37Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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