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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Who can you believe?

The other day someone posted a news report on FB about....a couple days later it was reported to not have been true.

My question: is there a reputable news site one can go to and trust them to be saying the truth every time? Hey, I cannot run down every news item to determine its truthfulness. Of course, I no longer follow every news story printed but would like to have a fair idea what is going on.

Sandra Miller

 2014/11/15 15:22Profile

 Re: Who can you believe?

I think this is a major problem within the world today.

I liked RT but then the Russian Govt started taking blatant control over things.

I liked BCC but they have an obvious bias sometimes.

I liked NPR but they don't share the whole story sometimes.

I liked DemocracyNow but they lean left at times.

If you find something, please share your insights.

For now, I've just settled with satire. Jon Stewart and John Oliver. I'd rather laugh then endlessly try to find real non-bias reporting.

 2014/11/15 16:00

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL


I have asked the same questions in the past myself. Here are the things I do and practice when it comes to news.

I get news from several sources. Both liberal and conservative. I don't react when I see some story that is absurd. I have patience with it and look for it to be generated by another news source.

People have a tendency to react too fast to news and with social media it becomes even more potent to do such a thing. Some people will even use that reaction to take advantage of others well.

Critique and examine is the best way to do things. As a Christian, we have the tendency to be gullible and believe most everything we read from conservative or Christian media. Don't.......take it, examine and have patience with it if you determine it is flawed.

I use twitter to help me with news on both liberal and conservative fronts. It actually helps me see what is going on because I don't follow politics full blast.


 2014/11/15 19:28Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Reckon I am getting a tad bit frustrated with popular journalism.

Fox News is considered conservative...but how can that be with the advertising that appeals to men's lust? Not conservative.

CNN is considered liberal but the advertising is moderate unlike Fox. Some say they do not say the whole story.

Christianpost and christiannews - not always sure. The report that was posted came from one these two that was later discredited.

Then there is Rush Limbaugh and Worldnetdaily...hype and... - works for accuracy as close as I can tell....

But I like to get news from a variety of places.

Oh, least my salvation does not depend on it. :-)

I have no inspiring insights into this issue. Just annoyed. And aggravated.

Sandra Miller

 2014/11/17 13:00Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL



Reaction to your post can go any number of ways. Some religious extremist will say 'only use the bible for your news' type of thing. I find that a bit ignorant. Never presuppose that any media outlet is telling you the whole truth. Even Christian media will tell you what they want you to know. WND......I never go to it because it is too sensationalistic....... it is like those gossip rags.

One America News is a new outfit that I recently came across. They portray themselves as neutral. Who knows if they are and you won't know unless you critique what they present.

Otherwise do as I do. I take news from all sources and compare and contrast.


 2014/11/17 13:24Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: news sourcing

I check the Drudge Report, stuff from all over, things from the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Puffington Post, World Net Daily, New York Times- even far right info-wars and left wing stuff like Salon similar publications. It is good, in my opinion, to see what they write and how they think- especially as anti-Christian bias develops.

One thing so evident in all of it is the collapse of law and reason, and the casual acceptance of that.

As Jeremiah noted in his day, "The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests rule on their own authority... and my people love it so. But what will be the end of it?"

Truth? Truth is really just a person. Jesus.

Tom Cameron

 2014/11/18 11:18Profile

Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562

 Re: Who can you believe?

You might appreciate this article - "A Handy Rundown of the Internet’s Fake News Sites":

 2014/11/18 12:51Profile

Joined: 2006/7/5
Posts: 653


When you're on a news site, always check out the "About" section. There they will say if they are a satire/fake news site. And generally, if a "news" site even has an "about" tab, it usually is fake, but not all.

Jeremy Hulsey

 2014/11/18 17:19Profile

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