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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 North Korea Threatens South Korea with "Final Destruction"

Speaking at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on February 19, North Korean diplomat Jon Yong Ryong threatened South Korea with "final destruction.”

A transcript of the conference posted by the United Nations Office at Geneva recorded that “The Republic of [South] Korea reiterated the call on Democratic People's Republic of Korea to suspend nuclear tests and its nuclear programme” in response to the North’s third nuclear test conducted on February 12.

Recording the North’s response to the South Korean statement, the transcript notes:

Democratic People's Republic of Korea, responding to the comments made by the Republic of Korea, said that as it had been declared on many occasions, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea had never recognised the resolutions concerning sanctions by the United Nations Security Council and, as the saying went, a new born puppy knows no fear ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/2/21 9:50Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: A sight to behold

The Looney Tunes character of the North Korean regime is something to behold! Devoid of rational reality while its citizens starve shows where their still Stalinist and Maoist prorities are. I wonder if South Korea remains as vigilant and ready as they need to be. No real conflict for a while may have South Korea in a semi state of preparedness.

I just noticed your sig line quote by Moore. That is good stuff. Amen!

David Winter

 2013/2/21 15:42Profile

 Re: North Korea Threatens South Korea with "Final Destruction"

i'm happy that God has you focused on North day the "pharaohs" tormenting those dear souls will be gone, my prayer is that happens with none to minimal bloodshed, and that saints will flood in, preaching and teachings the whole Counsel of God.

This bit of savage palaber, fire breathing threats issued from the DPRK, its a regular occurence, a pattern of behavior,i call doing the "mad dog".

ie....test a nuclear weapon, or test launch a missile, maybe some maritime border incursions, then follow that with blood curdling rhetoric....."tensions rise"....and then you'll see 200,000 metric tons of wheat offered, 100,000 mt's of oil offered...wash, rinse, repeat.

because the sad facts are this, nobody REALLY wants reunification OR war...reunification?...the South Koreans for all their rhetoric dont want it, because they dont want to foot the bill, which would be 100 to 200 bln USD plus, the Chinese dont want it, because they dont want an American ally and possibly American troops, parked along their northern border on the Yalu and Tumen rivers....and nobody really WANTS war...the South Koreans dont, they've built that country into a gleaming jewel, the Americans dont, NK is built for defense, and the price in blood would shattering, the Chinese dont, because the NK's would use chemical weapons, that COULD invoke a nuclear US response.

the DMZ in Korea, arguably has to be one of, if not the most tense real estate in the world.

of course, heed these threats, but what has changed in the last 25 years, is that the north koreans do not have any chance at "air parity"...that means we own the 'air', and in modern warfare, set piece, if you cant control the air, all your above ground forces, armor, infantry, artillery are just sitting ducks...they know it and we know it.

Which is why this "mad dog" rhetoric is the only card the north koreans have left...meanwhile millions of souls in the north, are left in the dark...not even having a hope of hearing the Good News.

 2013/2/22 7:24

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greetings Neil

I was considering this topic also a few days ago but had not thought about the lost and suffering inside of North Korea. I am ashamed to say that was not my first thoughts. I was thinking if they did attack Seoul with a small nuke we would have to retaliate and what would Russia, China, or even Iran do. I was thinking could this be the spark used to start the first fires?? You have shown yourself to be a better servant in this matter, your heart was for the lost, while mine was considering the "what if" of my own comfort and security. Thank you for posting what you have, I feel very convicted about my attitudes and heart and am going to spend time in the LORD on this. GOD is so faithful to use these very situations to open my eyes and show me things that I still must die too. I am thankful for the chance!

I will be praying more diligently for those who are trapped inside N.K. that GOD might make a way and that many there would come to see JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR!

God bless

 2013/2/22 8:58Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


It'll be North Korea who pulls America into war. Like a fish hook that's set in the jaw of a fish so will North Korea set its hook into America jaw and pull them into their land and into a full scale war.Troubling times indeed.


 2013/2/22 9:17Profile

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