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HI Guys....good points from brothertom. Yet, I think the point of the thread is "New," Reformation. Not that I do not think the Amish way of life is an interesting topic:) This particular thread has been a good outlet for people who long to see the Lord worshipped in reverence and awe, and to worship in the genuine presence of THE Lord. So, if your a lurker out there, please feel free to participate and share your thoughts with all of us.........Frank

 2008/8/21 15:32

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Did any of you see "The Call" in Washington D.C.? I would say there is great hope for the thousands of young people that were there on their faces, crying out to God, repenting and fasting.

I am glad that God still looks on the heart of these young people and not on the outward appearance.


 2008/8/21 16:17Profile


Hi Abideinhim.....I would say that there is great hope for anyone who cries out to God, with fasting and repentance. As always, the changed life is the "outward appearnace," and God only ever looks to the heart, young or old.....Frank

 2008/8/21 16:47


HI RobertW , you asked ..........

"What was it about Elijah that God answered him by FIRE?"

We know very little of Elijah. We know nothing about his lineage, only where he came from. It seems he was somewhat rough and passionate man. Elijah prayes that it may not rain because of the iniquities of the Land. He challenges Ahab, yet this fruitful land would dry up because the leadership would pay him no heed. And so it was, the rain stopped and the fruitfull land became barre. This barenness eventually led to the people choosing between false prophets and the man of God.

This land, the land of Christianity in the West , lies in such a barren state. And so it will remain until the people "chose ye this day whom ye will serve." Will the people continue to worship the Idols of Baal? Will they worship themselves and their own prosperity. One thing is for sure, as long as they do, the barreness will continue. It will not be until God's people, who are called by His name, will cry out to Him, and turn from their wicked ways with tears and repentance, that God will hear from heaven and heal their land. The land in this case is the Church. The remnent will gather together and be refreshed, even in the midst of famine and drought, may the many find their way to the alter of God.............Frank

It seems clear that God can take a man of no background, of no acclaim, and use him mightily. Elijah was such a man........

 2008/8/22 16:29

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Very edifying thread here everyone. Thanks.

Along the lines of knowing the difference between soulish and spiritual affections, I wanted to bring to remembrance the book by Jonathan Edwards [url=]A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections[/url]

This is an essential work on this subject, and in the very least demonstrates that soulish reactions to religious activity, even seemingly positive expressions, has been a persistent problem in the Church.

In Edwards fashion, he brings to bear a scholarly disposition on the subject, almost a naturalist's dissection of the various specimens of both the false and the true, yet always within the sound confines of scripture and with a warm heart for the Church.

For those who sometimes like their colonial bible studies in modern English, like myself, you might look for [url=]Signs of the Spirit[/url], which is a retranslation of Jonathan Edwards book by Sam Storms.


Mike Compton

 2008/8/22 18:01Profile


Hi Compton...thanks for the suggestion of Jonathan Edwards. He has been a great influence on me, also George Whitfield, the Wesley brothers and Finney's own relfelction on "religious affections." Perhaps one of the problems that we face today is that we do not have men of their stature, men willing to lose it all. I think of the fact that Jonathan Edwards faced so much rejection from the religious community at large(Church) he ended up preaching to the the Native Americans for a while(not an honorable thing in those days:( And Whitfield was banned from the pulpits of so many churches for daring to suggest in a letter that most of the Clergy knew nothing of the "new birth." Now thats bold. Just as well that he was banned from the pulpits though, for no church oh his day could have held the crowds that showed up to hear the Gospel preached with that same power that manifested itself after Pentecost(Katanusso, stabbed in the heart).....Frank

 2008/8/23 14:05

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


So, if your a lurker out there, please feel free to participate and share your thoughts with all of us

I would like to share an experience from my church.

Several weeks ago we had a visiting worship leader at our church. The worship service went along as it normally does until the worship leader instructed the instruments to stop and for us to spend a few moments waiting on the Lord.

For several minutes all that could be heard in the sanctuary was the spontaneous whispered worship of thousands, along with the sound of weeping as we experienced a genuine “God moment”. I weep even as I write of it.

And when it was over and we all sat down as the service continued, my heart just cried out “Why can we not have this always?” It is these moments that wreck me for church as usual.

Church as usual……….what an odd phrase. What is it about gathering to worship our Lord that should ever be considered usual?



 2008/8/23 14:31Profile


Danielle....thank you so much for sharing that. This to me has been one of the most important replies to this thread. This, in part, is where the answer lies. There is so much noise. There is a whole industry of worship that has developed, phrases like contemporary worship and so on. To me, it is akin to the Scripture "Hamstring the horses and burn the chariots with fire." Oh that men would burn their keyboards and hamstring their guitars and drums. Of course there is a place for instruments in church, I think of Psalm 150 and I too want to , with all of my breath, praise the Lord on the cymbals and every other instrument that comes to hand, this is the way I want to enter His gates and His courts But when I want to enter into the Holy of Holies, when I come into the very throne room of God, then all falls silent before our High and Mighty God who is above all things. In everything there is season, a time to praise, a time to dance, a time to shout the victories of our Lord and King, yet, there is also a time, a season, to fall silent in the presence of majesty, to be speechless in the very throne room of God and be overtaken by grace and be changed in the deepest parts of who we are. This is the season in which we live brothers and sisters, we no longer have the luxury and indulgance of simply dwelling in the courts, it is the season to come in. Words will fail in His presence, unless it is these "Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty...........Frank

 2008/8/23 14:59

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Frank and Danielle,

I appreciate your posts. Is there a right way to worship the Lord? Is there a certain method that is right and others that are wrong?

The Father is looking for true worshippers that will worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Most of the older people like the old traditional hymns, and the younger people like to worship God with music that has a little beat to it. Can we say that God prefers one style of worship over the other? God is looking at the heart of those that are worshipping Him. True worship comes from the heart.

I remember after reading "The Latent Power of the Soul" by Watchman Nee, I was in a worship service where there was much praise and thanksgiving, and the young people were up in the front dancing before the Lord. I thought to myself, "they are all in the flesh." I was really making a unrighteous judgment. To these young people, they were worshipping God with all of thier hearts. I believe that we need to sing the old traditional hymns because the Words in those old songs have so much meaning. Some of the most powerful songs are the ones about the blood that have been left out of many of our seeker friendly churches.

There is a time for exuberant praise and worship before the Lord, but there is also a time to be quite in His presence. I have been in services where the presence of God was so strong that there was total silence for a long period of time. We need more of these times where the Church is still in the presence of the Lord. Many times in our churces, when it gets quite, someone feels like they have to break the silence and give a message in tongues, or the pastor feels like it is time to take up the offering. I long for a revival where there are services that are Spirit led, and you hardly notice who is ministering, but everyone comes away from that place with the awesome sense, that we have been in the presence of the Lord.



 2008/8/24 8:56Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Yes there is a right way – and you already nailed it… spirit and in truth. As far as methods, I have sensed the presence of God powerfully in worship times that would be characterized as more “jubilant”, just as I have sensed it in the quiet times. I guess that quiet moment was precious because it seems to be so rare. I have commented on this before - it’s almost as though the quiet makes us nervous. I have noticed the same thing that you mentioned – people feel the need to fill up the quiet. I am glad for the beautiful music and skillful musicians that lead our worship, but I would be glad for more quiet before the Lord in our corporate gatherings. I don’t think we know how to wait on the Lord. Just be still and wait. What blessing do we miss by our failure to do this???

I long for a revival where there are services that are Spirit led, and you hardly notice who is ministering, but everyone comes away from that place with the awesome sense, that we have been in the presence of the Lord.

Amen brother. I believe there are many of us here that long for this very thing.



 2008/8/24 9:19Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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