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Joined: 2004/4/1
Posts: 323

 FREE tracts and gospels of John

2 sites that give away tracts and Gospels of Johns for Christians to spread the Gospel are and . I have been using The Pocket Testament League's Gospels of John ( and they will give about 20 a month away free (possibly more ?), 50 a month if there is reason for more. I just discovered and some are a little out there but a couple look ok. Just wanted to spread the word of free stuff. Praise God!!!


 2004/6/15 2:47Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: FREE tracts and gospels of John

I have been using The Pocket Testament League's Gospels of John ( and they will give about 20 a month away free, 50 a month if there is reason for more.

Thanks for sharing this brother! Yes we all need to spread Gods word with others. I wonder if they allow people in Canada to reap of getting these free resources? Thats for encouraging the SI community to get involved spreading Gods word! ;-)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/6/15 10:12Profile

Joined: 2004/4/9
Posts: 61


THey allow you to get up to 100 a month. They really are great. I give them out all the time. I don't particularly like their gospel presentation on the first few pages, but I give them out in the hopes that people will read the Gospel of John itself. I actually just put in a new order today.


 2004/6/15 19:49Profile

Joined: 2004/4/1
Posts: 323


Hey, Lazarus, good to hear from you again. Yes, I usually put another tract with a little more explanation of sin and the seriousness of its offense to God in the Gospels of John when I give them away.

The limit is 100 for the gospels? Thank you for the correction.

About the tracts site, I would be careful and exercise wisdom and discernment, some of the tracts look a bit disturbing.


 2004/6/16 1:34Profile

Joined: 2004/6/6
Posts: 140
Arizona, USA

 Re: FREE tracts and gospels of John

I just went there and ordered 50 items!! Wow, thank you so much, Rocklife!! (I forget your name right now, sorry!) I have huge wishlists all over the internet for when we get extra money. Ray Comfort's site has these cool pennies pressed with the 10 commandments. I've never used tracts or given out bibles before, but God woke me up in the middle of NM one day last month, waiting for van parts. Some local kids started asking questions about my headcovering. Pretty soon, they wanted me to read them the bible and teach them about God!! This has never happened before! I had no bibles to give away. Now I'll be well-armed.

Check out Ray Comfort's downloads. He's so funny!! The WHY of witnessing. He street-preaches all the time, great testimonies.

Oh, another favorite resource: The Message Bible by Eugene Peterson. Totally ended the debate on bible versions. If someone argues versions, I politely say "Serious bible students a hundred years ago learned Greek and Hebrew for themselves and didn't rely on a translation. Go learn Greek and Hebrew and let me know, okay?" Eugene wrote The Message Bible after seeing his congregation wasn't getting the full impact of scripture like he was, being a Greek and Hebrew scholar. He translated parts of it for them the way he felt it would read today. NavPress asked him to do the whole bible. My husband flipped when he first read it, now we use it every day. Really zings into your brain, perhaps a bit annoyingly at first, since we're not used to the bible sounding so, well, undignified. :-) The bible was written in the common language of the streets and marketplaces. It was NOT written in the high-sounding language of the philosophers and scholars of the era.

Mrs. Fred

 2004/6/16 2:18Profile

Joined: 2004/4/1
Posts: 323


Lazarus, I know you said there was a limit of 100, but just to confirm that, I asked them. Perhaps they change it around sometimes. Here is their response to ordering Gospels.

Hi Jina!

We do have a monthly limit and it can change depending upon our supply. We try to spread out our resources among all our many members throughout the US and Canada.

Right now the monthly limit is 50 Gospels. We do ask that you keep your orders to one per month to help keep our shipping costs down.

The focus of our ministry is to mobilize and equip people to carry our Gospels in their pocket every day and share their faith. A Gospel in your pocket will act as a reminder to constantly be on the lookout for someone to share God's Word with -- not just at special events or outreaches. Our focus is not "Gospel distribution", meaning handing them out in mass, but rather helping individuals, through membership, develop a lifestyle of personal evangelism, witnessing one-on-one.

God Bless You as you share His Word with others! -Joan

Joan McAfee
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

The Pocket Testament League
P O Box 800
Lititz, PA 17543-7026


 2004/6/23 16:45Profile

Joined: 2004/4/1
Posts: 323


Freechristiantracts is for New Zealand and surrounding residents. The Lord is providing their needs, and right now, the shipping costs for the rest of the world are too high. I didn't really consider that before posting their site, so this is a free ministry, but the costs involved make this offer more practical for those who live close to them. Sorry for any inconvenience. Here's a letter from them explaining the situation.

I just recieved this e-mail from "Tracts For Free":

For over one year now my husband and I have been carrying all the costs of
running this Minsitry with no funding, we have not asked for any funding
from anyone for the printing of the tracts, postage, stationary and oter
running costs.

Our funds have been used up mostly by the high shipping costs outside of
Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands since our Post Office has put
up the postage costs to 4 times the normal amount, we have enough funding to
run the Ministry of printing the tracts and posting them to New Zealand,
Australia and the Pacific Island. We are not asking for your funds for us or
this Minsitry only to help pay for your order to reach you.

In relation to this sad situation, we are seeking others around the world to
take up a role in this extremely important ministry by printing and
distributing the tracts in their own country at their own cost. If you know
any Church, Home Group or Minsitry that would like to take this on as a
Minsitry please have them email us. We would work closely with them and give
them the printing plates and hardcopies. We are only interested in people
who will take the Minsitry on of printing these for their country and not
just for themselves. Once someone has taken up printing them in other
countries we will let you know.

These tracts are so effective and many are being saved by them as they are
very high quality and straight to the point as the Lord meant them to be.

Although our tracts are free, and we believe no one should have to pay money
to receive the Gospel message, we must now charge for postage outside of New
Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Due to New Zealand postage prices which have virtually quadrupled since we
started this ministry, we must now regrettably ask that all orders outside
of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands have their postage paid
for. We have subsidised these prices down a little by paying some of the
postage. The prices are outlined below and as you see it has been costing us
a lot of money to send the tracts worldwide.

Please go to our site and read further information.

Once you have made your payment through pay pal can you kindly email us the
payment number with your full name and address, if you are sending your
payment remember to send the payment by airmail as it will take 3 months to
reach us and please include your full name and address with what you

11 TO 25 DAYS
500 TRACTS - $10
1000 TRACTS - $16
1500 TRACTS - $22
2000 TRACTS - $29
3000 TRACTS - $37
4000 TRACTS - $46
5000 TRACTS - $55

4 TO 11 DAYS
500 TRACTS - $12
1000 TRACTS - $20
1500 TRACTS - $27
2000 TRACTS - $33
3000 TRACTS - $44
4000 TRACTS - $55
5000 TRACTS - $66

You can make payment by the following means:

Bottom of Form 1

Personal/Bank Cheque/Money Order
(We cannot accept Canadian money orders or pink postal notes)

Cheques and orders can be sent to:
Tracts for Free
P.O. Box 140
Helensville, Auckland
New Zealand 1250

Please send payments by airmail or could take up to 3 months to receive!

Please email us at [email protected]


 2004/7/29 17:20Profile

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