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Joined: 2004/1/17
Posts: 219

 Elijah in a cave

Greetings in Jesus' name brothers and sisters. I would like to say first off that you are all dear to me in the Lord, and many posts, and replys have been great blessings to me. It did however, concern me a few months ago, as well as recent posts, when I hear(d) the doubt that seems to prevail in many of our hearts concerning God's ability to rise up in mighty power in our day. Many posts I've read have seemed to glorify and be enamored with past moves of God, yet completely deny anything God might do in our day. For instance many of you have spoken negatively concerning the Brownsville Revival, passing it off as being nothing more than charismania, flesh, and even satanic. I tell you you couldn't be further from the truth. I am a youth pastor in Michigan and was saved at the revival. I was blessed to live there for three years and was trained and taught by some of the greatest men of God and men of prayer that I've ever known. Many of whom were actually discipled by Leonard Ravenhill (who many of you hold in high-esteem, so do I.) Sonny Jaynes, for instance, the dean of men at Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, was discipled by brother Ravenhill, and was in prayers meetings with him everyday of his life. My brothers and sisters, I encourage you to not end as Elijah ended. Elijah at the end of his ministry came under intimidation and wound up in a cave telling God that he was the only one left, and guess what HE WAS WRONG! Friends, you are not the only ones left who are truly seeking God and going after revival. YOU ARE NOT! There are many sincere and dedicated brothers and sisters that you refuse to acknowledge because you accuse them of barking like dogs and the likes. (Which is a complete like by the way.) Friends God is more than able to move in our day, DO NOT Exalt the name of doubt and unbelief above the name of my King! HE IS NOT WORTHY Of that honor!


 2004/1/17 15:35Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Elijah in a cave

Greetings in Jesus' name brothers and sisters. I would like to say first off that you are all dear to me in the Lord, and many posts, and replys have been great blessings to me.

Wonderful for you to join in the community brother Jeff.

It did however, concern me a few months ago, as well as recent posts, when I hear(d) the doubt that seems to prevail in many of our hearts concerning God's ability to rise up in mighty power in our day. Many posts I've read have seemed to glorify and be enamored with past moves of God, yet completely deny anything God might do in our day.

I have felt led to put an emphasis on the welsh revival of 1904-05 and the reason for this is I believe God can do it again 100 years later in 2004. Here are some threads that I have started to encourage God's people that revival is possible and a reality for our generation, God wants to move will we work with Him?
[url=]JOIN in praying for REVIVAL NOW![/url]
[url=]Praying for Revival in 2004[/url] *(must read).

It is true that I don't believe God is moving in revival power in North America because simply there has been no change to the moral climate of our society. Things are waxing worse and worse, God's people need to pray for God to move in mighty ways and AWAKE the church of Jesus Christ out of SLUMBER. There have been alot of movement that have been called "Revivals" but I am very much not in agreeance with the use of that term to classify these movements. There are new denominations and movements but is God coming down into our midst? I have many paticular problems with some of the movements (Brownsville Revival, Toronto Airport Fellowship, etc.):
-Slain in the Spirit
-Empasis on Recieving
-Cross of Christ not Paramount

Brother I would love to start a discussion thread on those three topics seperatly and discuss hopefully not in carnal words but words with power behind them what I have been shown from God.

To be frankly honest with you brother, I am seeking to be Baptised with the Holy Spirit for service, I want a revelation of the depth of God's love so that I may be filled with the fulness of God. There is a holy-disatisfication within me and a despertness to seek God. But that does not imply that I go out and accept everything and what everyone is saying is what God is doing. I am seeking Him in the closet and each day goes by and God is blessing me and bringing me closer to Him and His purposes for my life.

Its a desperate time brother and this requires desperate actions. The Church needs to seek Him as never before. Extreme situations require extreme measures. God will show Himself strong in those who seek Him with all their heart. Satan is very active in all this and He knows that those who are AWAKE in the Church are trying to fetch strength from God, He is offering many easy roads and substitutes which are not necessarily from Him but ARE not God's best.

The disciples were filled with the Spirit when Jesus breathed on them in the room. But they didn't go out in that revelation and walk in God. THEY NEEDED the fulness of God, an overwhelming enduement of God's power and a lostness in the purposes of God. Church seek this!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/1/17 17:06Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632


Greg, I hope you don't mind me posting this here. I see and hear the desire in your heart for the Lord to dwell in your midst, etc...

Quote: "the Church needs to seek Him like never before"
May I offer this. It is a dream I had less than a year ago.

In my dream I am visiting someone’s huge modern house. The house is equipped with everything including indoor basketball court and full gym.(I used to be a personal trainer, so of course, it had to have a fully equipped gym!) I leave the house and drive away in my car that I used to have – a BMW. I drove to a Kmart or Walmart parking lot where they have the swingsets for sale in the summer. There are two other ladies there in light, flowing clothes. (about my age 34) They take me to a house out in the middle of nowhere, like a prairie.

This house is a small simple farm-type house with a wrap around porch. Inside there is nothing – only a bed in each bedroom. Just plain wood floors,etc.. The only thing I noticed that was decorative were pink sheer curtain blowing in the windows.(my favorite color is pink). I was not a prisoner there but knew I was to be there for along time – if not forever.

An older, distinguished gentleman with silver-grey hair came to the house and He came into my room. He layed down on the bed. I was a little nervous at first because I felt a sort of intimacy with Him but hoped he did not expect anything from me. He said He just wanted to rest there. I was relieved and then proceeded to ask Him about the house. He said “I have all My girls set up like this.” I felt that he was taking care of us in this way in these simple but sufficient houses.

Interpretation: After the dream I felt that this dream was showing how I have been leaving materialism and my own dreams for myself behind, trying to get rid of a lot of things “not needed”, including not needed activities, traditions, etc… I went to the ‘lower end’ store parking lot to where the swing sets were – not needing status and also becoming child-like. Also the house was in a prairie setting-wilderness or desert(I am out of the church system) At that time I felt the Lord was still just showing me that I was to continue in this way.

Not until my friend had another similar dream about me (having a yard sale and selling everything off; thanks Sharrie!) It reminded me of this dream again and I began to think about the Lord coming to rest there. It suddenly occurred to me to look up the verses about the Lord having nowhere to rest His head.

There it was: Luke 9:58-62 Everyone who He told to follow Him had something they thought, at the time, was more important to do before they followed Him completely. I felt that they were holding on too tightly to these “other things” –like most of us –material things, relationships, traditions, man's teachings, etc…They put these things before Him, and because of this He had no where to rest His head, to dwell.

In my dream at the “simple house”- the Lord came to rest His head! There were no distractions, no “things”, in the way or put before Him.

Everyone seems to be running around wondering how to get “more of the Lord”, more of His presence, His power –how to get Him to dwell with them on a consistant basis.

In this place of SIMPLICITY He will come and dwell (rest His head)! When we stop putting other things before Him, when we GET RID OF EVERYTHING NOT NEEDED; He will come and rest.

Blessings! Chanin


 2004/1/17 17:32Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Elijah in a cave

Standing Alone
There are people who can move in crowds, and who will act when they have others supporting and encouraging them, but many fade out when it is a case of facing this tremendous thing alone. Superior greatness is shown by taking personal responsibility whether others do so or not.
. . . Superior greatness is willingness to stand for what God has revealed as His will, though we have to stand alone. It may be one against many, there may be a considerable amount of alone-ness, but that is where the test of our spiritual measure comes in, in initiative and responsibility that does not wait for an organization to come into being to deal with the situation, but makes it a personal matter-and a thorough-going one, too.
T Austin-Sparks

Standing alone, moving towards an awakening
The people of the Lord are instructed to pray “as in Heaven, so on Earth”.
One of the things the Lord has set out to accomplish as an answer to this prayer is a planting of a great measure of discernment among His people.
The things sought for and received as grace and gifts from Heaven bears the mark of Heaven. It is the investment of Eternal qualities in that which has not yet reached its goal. It is the Spirit of Christ at work bringing the people of the Lord to maturity.
An awakening brings Heaven to bear on earthly matters. This is what is yet to be seen in these very modern expressions of spirituality in the name of being “what God is doing today”.
An awakening is needed to bring in a full measure of spiritual discernment, an ability to see what comes from God, what truly represents Him.
Veracity is an old fashioned, perhaps an obsolete word. Even as I write, my spelling program reacts with red underlining – wrong, not here, you cannot do that.
Veracity is something we need to pursue – it lies at the core of praying “as in Heaven, so on Earth; it lies at the heart of an awakening, a true revival.
Lars W.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/1/17 22:26Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Elijah in a cave

First off a warm and generous welcome to you Jeff!
So glad that you are here and have opened up your heart to us.

Many posts I've read have seemed to glorify and be enamored with past moves of God, yet completely deny anything God might do in our day. For instance many of you have spoken negatively concerning the Brownsville Revival, passing it off as being nothing more than charismania, flesh, and even satanic. I tell you you couldn't be further from the truth.

I think there may be a misunderstanding in what is constituted in being "enamored with past moves of God". I believe it is the missing elements of past revivals, repentence, humility, brokeness, the fear and Holiness of God, the preaching of God's word and so forth. Not to say that these aspects are altogether vacant, but where is the emphesis?

Interesting timing, I heartly recommend unto everyone a message I just listened to yesterday:
[url=] Holiness or "Blessing" [/url]From Art Katz. Though he is in part commenting on the issues with the Toronto 'revival', it is very applicable to the thoughts being presented here. By far the most balanced treatment I have yet to hear.

A few comments and defenitions;

From Lars:
Veracity is an old fashioned, perhaps an obsolete word. Even as I write, my spelling program reacts with red underlining – wrong, not here, you cannot do that.

I love that!

[b][u]ve•rac•i•ty[/u][/b] \ve-"ra-se-te\ n, pl -ties 1 : devotion to truth : truthfulness 2 : conformity with fact : accuracy 3 : something true
[size=xx-small](c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved[/size]

From Chanin:
Everyone seems to be running around wondering how to get “more of the Lord”, more of His presence, His power –how to get Him to dwell with them on a consistant basis. In this place of SIMPLICITY He will come and dwell

Indeed, is it "more of the Lord" in the sense of what He can do for us? Or is it in surrendering our purposes to His greater purpose?

[b][u]sim•plic•i•ty[/u][/b] \sim-"pli-se-te\ n 1 : lack of complication : clearness 2 : candor, artlessness 3 : plainness in manners or way of life 4 : silliness, folly

From Greg:
There is a holy-disatisfication within me and a despertness to seek God. But that does not imply that I go out and accept everything and what everyone is saying is what God is doing. I am seeking Him in the closet and each day goes by and God is blessing me and bringing me closer to Him and His purposes for my life.

Amen, I could not agree more, this word has become fixed in my conscious;

[b][u]au•then•tic[/u][/b] \e-"then-tik, o-\ adj : genuine, real — au•then•ti•cal•ly \-ti-k(e-)le\ adv — au•then•tic•i•ty \'o-'then-"ti-se-te\

And lastly:
Its a desperate time brother and this requires desperate actions. The Church needs to seek Him as never before. Extreme situations require extreme measures. God will show Himself strong in those who seek Him with all their heart. Satan is very active in all this and He knows that those who are AWAKE in the Church are trying to fetch strength from God, He is offering many easy roads and substitutes which are not necessarily from Him but ARE not God's best.

[b][u]re•vive[/u][/b] \ri-"viv\ vb re•vived; re•viv•ing 1 : to bring back to life consciousness, or activity : make or become fresh or strong again 2 : to bring back into use — re•viv•er n

Mike Balog

 2004/1/18 5:00Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: Where is the power?

I believe it is the missing elements of past revivals, repentence, humility, brokeness, the fear and Holiness of God, the preaching of God's word and so forth. Not to say that these aspects are altogether vacant, but where is the emphesis?

Where Is The power?~

I heard a story of a traveling evangelist who came to a church and gave a message and then an alter call. He invited all those who would wanted prayer to receive the power of God to line up on the left side of the church and all those who wanted to receive God's brokenness to line up on the right side. Well, it seems that about 95% of the folks got in the power line and the other five got in the brokenness line. After they were all lined up he walked over to those in the brokenness line and turned to the others and said, "I will pray for these and they will get their brokenness and they will also be the ones who get the power."

God does not give out His kingdom power so that we can go out in our rebellious hearts and do exploits for Him. He gives His power to those who want the fellowship of His sufferings and to be made conformable to His death. No pain, no gain. No death, no glory. We must fellowship with Him in His sufferings before we will know Him in His power.

We have seen for years this sham of men and women who parade before us in our meetings, claiming to have power in the presence of God. For a long time the best they could come up with was stretching legs; now they fill teeth with gold and claim the manifest presence of God with gold dust on the people. When God's real power shows up on His broken ones, there will be no doubt. But the true sign of His men and women of power will not be the overt signs that men seek after. No, it will be the sign of the Messiah, one who comes in all lowliness and humility, waiting for God to lift them up in his due season and not before. This I am willing to wait for. I want nothing to do with the dog and pony shows that call themselves the power workers of God as they parade across the stages of churches and conference rooms, boasting of their greatness (in all humility, of course). I am reminded that the two final witness in Revelation are dressed in sackcloth and not shark-skin suits with gold rings on their fingers. The smooth clothing and fine jewelry are found on the Great Whore later in the book. Do not be fooled by the counterfeit false prophets, apostles, and wonder workers of this hour. Look for the brokenness of Christ in those who say they are of Christ.

This article by Michael Clark can also be found on


 2004/1/18 6:42Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


Chanin, I believe you would love the Art Katz message I mentioned, this is a echo of the same...

Mike Balog

 2004/1/18 6:51Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632


I will take a look at it! Thanks!

In Him,Chanin


 2004/1/18 8:42Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


au•then•tic \e-"then-tik, o-\ adj : genuine, real — au•then•ti•cal•ly \-ti-k(e-)le\ adv — au•then•tic•i•ty \'o-'then-"ti-se-te\

I am loving your helpful definitions, it brings a good emphasis and clears up the situation for many people. ;-)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/1/18 8:52Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


A central item picked up from Art Katz’ Holiness or Blessing

Katz did not say this, but this is what I heard:

Anyone, any spiritual power can ”bless” you.
Only God, the Holy One of Israel, can sanctify you and make you fit for the Kingdom.
Are we able, even willing to acknowledge the difference between the holy and profane?

Lars Widerberg

 2004/1/18 9:24Profile

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