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Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida

 US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

[url=]ABC News Blog[/url]



 2010/1/18 13:55Profile

 Re: US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

The guy whining about it is off his rocker... there is no "constitutional seperation of church and state". Only idiots believe that, not people who have actually read the Constitution.

But... it is a bit of a canumdrum.

One more thing: we can try to pretend that this is not a religious war all we want. The fact is our enemy certainly see it as a religious war. As long as our enemies see it that way... thats the way it is. It is a spiritual war.


 2010/1/18 16:18

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Perhaps I should have stated my feelings about this when I started the thread, sorry.

I see nothing wrong with it.

I have read of bullets made by prisoners of WW2 having scriptures inside them instead of gunpowder. This story was in a book I read many years ago. Since I rarely get rid of a book, one day I might come across it again. When I do, I will post the story in it's entirety as I am sure I perhaps misremembered it. (It is an age related thing, not willful.)

white stone


 2010/1/18 17:10Profile

 Re: US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

That's awesome that company was doing that!

"spiritually transformed firearm[s] of Jesus Christ"

That's awesome too. STFJC's

I know there are many who think that certain wars we've been engaged in are wrong. I'm not judging about that, only saying the thing with the guns is COOL.

It is terrible for Michael Weinstein! The Lord Jesus has an STFJC pointing at Mr. Weinstein with Luke 9:26 inscribed on it.

 2010/1/18 18:21



 2010/1/18 22:48

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

Hi everyone,

I appologise for bringing this thread back up but it came to mind this morning and I wanted to share a few things with you all.

I suppose that whatever our opinions are, what would matter most is how does the Lord Jesus feel about this: because it is His word and His Name and reputation that are being used and invoked.

I believe that the scripture teaches that God uses earthly powers to administer justice and also punishement in the Earth; but that, I believe, includes all earthly powers and not just those that have a "Christian" heritage.

But there is something troubling about putting the Word and Name of the Lord Jesus into these things.

I believe that states are God's agency on Earth for justice and that His Church is His agency on Earth for salvation, [b]and that these two can never be conjoined except it cause much hurt and leave us with something that we will be at great pains to extricate ourselves from[/b].

I have said before that I'm not convinced that the scripture forbids Christians from participating in earthly governments, and I still feel that way, but I believe that in regards to individuals and how they may personally have liberty of conscience to do those things, as unto the Lord, but not under the banner of the Church of the Lord Jesus, with the exception perhaps of military chaplains that are being asked to perform a service to states as agents of the Chruch and where such service would of nescessity be conspicously done in Christs' name.

But I believe that the state and its weapons should never be used in any way that would give the impression they are agents of the Church of Christ or being used in its service.

Yes, I believe the scripture teaches that God uses human agencies and that He is active among them, even in their use of weapons, but I think that is more often by means of coercion, and without their agreement or even knowing it, that is, that God may either force their hand(as with Pharoh), or drag them with hooks in their jaws(Ezekiel 38:3-4), or by turning them(Proverbs 21:1), or driving them wherever or however He will(Ps 44:2, Is 22:15-19, Dan 4:23-25).

But this is not the relationship that is expressed in the Scripture between God and the Church, between Christ and the people who are His and are called His bride. This relationship is expressed in the most intimate terms and the Lord Christ says that He does not call His people servants(though we are still such), but he calls them His friends(John 15:15).

And so for the State and its weapons and exercises which it has been given by God to excercise in the Earth, for it to be mixed into the work of the Church is a very indecent intrusion.

And so also, the Chruch should never seek to impose its ecclesiastical laws or practices upon the State: by this I mean it's doctrines, beliefs, and customs that are unique to it alone in the Earth(Luke 10:22, John 6:63). For the Church to do so would be a very indecent thing also and to profane those Holy things that God has given to it.

By all means, I think that goverments can wisely and judicously aid Chrisitian people and the Christian Church by giving it and them liberties and protections which should be given. And by all means the Church can as a whole aid governemtns by praying for their leaders and living quite and good lives.

But, as far as I'm concerned, the two should never ever be mixed to any point where it can no longer and without even the slightest difficulty, distinguish between....

...which is which.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2010/1/23 14:45Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada


But there is something troubling about putting the Word and Name of the Lord Jesus into these things.

Hi Chris.

Actually it made me sick when I first read that these beautiful scriptures were being put on weapons. That someone could do this... this is complete, total blindness.

"For we are not as many which corrupt (deal deceitfully with) the word of God..." (2 Cor. 2.17).

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal..." (2 Cor. 10.4).

Allan Halton

 2010/1/23 15:52Profile

Joined: 2007/11/9
Posts: 16


"I believe that states are God's agency on Earth for justice and that His Church is His agency on Earth for salvation, and that these two can never be conjoined except it cause much hurt and leave us with something that we will be at great pains to extricate ourselves from."

That's a strange statement coming from a fellow from Phildelphia. If we held to your opinion we would of never had a Revolutionary War, because 80% of the Independence messages came from the Clergy. In fact, the shot that was heard around the world happened on the Church lawn of Rev. Jonas. Eight of his congregation members died that day from British lead. As he was looking down at their bodies he said "From this day will be dated the liberty of the world"

And yes over the last fifty years the majority of the church has held to that wicked opinion. It's called Abandonment theology.

Because of that theology America has been stripped of it's spiritual heritage. As a result the people have been stripped of their virtue. Because of that theology the "legislation" (which is somebody's concept of morality) that has oozed up into Law has not been the morality of Jesus Christ! And as a result of this the enemies of God have gotten there way in America, here are a few of their quotes:

Karl Marx “We make war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”

Lenin: We have to use any ruse, dodge, trick, cunning, unlawful method, concealment, and veiling of the truth. The basic rule is to exploit the conflicting interests of the capitalist states.“

Lenin in 1922: First we shall take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. After that, we shall surround and undermine the U.S.A., which will fall into our hands without a struggle…. Like an overripe fruit.”

Remember what we said about keeping our virtue in which we have lost, at the founding James Madison made this statement:

We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the
capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, and to control
ourselves ,to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

The founders based this whole form of government on our ability to live virtuous lives according to the Bible. As the Abandonment Theology took hold The Bible was banned in 1963, and as Lincoln stated "the philosophy in the school room in one generation will be the philosophy in government in the next." Those same people now are our judges and leaders and they gave the following ruling: Let's see and discern if Jesus Christ would have a problem with this ruling:

"It is unconstitutional for the Ten Commandments to hang on the walls of a classroom since the students might be lead to read them, meditate upon them, respect them or obey them. ”This is not a permissible state objective".

U.S. Supreme Stone v Graham 1980

" The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in greater measure, than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government , but they will not obtain lasting liberty. John Adams

"A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations bind, can have any real good will towards men? Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of society?...The scriptures tells us "righteousness exalteth a nation." Abigail Adams

And finally the end result of America as we know it, thanks to abandonment thinking in which Founding Father John Witherspoon founder of Princeton College observed: "Nothing is more certain than that widespread immorality and corruption of manners make a people ripe for destruction. Beyond a certain point even the best constitution will be ineffectual and slavery must ensue".

So our penalty for not bringing about "Legislation" that Jesus Christ would be in agreement with is a government of soft tyranny like we see coming on us now in the U.S or a communist take over, or an outside force coming in and forcing it's will over the people. Let's look at Viet Nam, we were trying to help stop the spread of that evil, and the generation that's in power now wanted us out. We leave alright, and in four years the communists who we were fighting, came in and tortured and executed 2 million men, women and children. You can now go to Cambodia, the place we left in the "name of peace" and gaze on piles and piles of skulls and bones. You can look at the trees that were used to bash the heads and bodies of the infants to death in front of their mothers. Ah yes, don't want to get involved in the things of this world.

"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the word of God except precisely that point which the world and the Devil are at that point attacking, I am not confessing Christ however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested. To be steady in all the battlefields besides is mere flight and disgrace, if the soldier flinches at one point" Martin Luther

 2010/1/24 19:34Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Hi everyone,

hiscomm, welcome to the forums. I'm not from Philadelphia(but live here presently), my wife is though.

About this,

"I believe that states are God's agency on Earth for justice and that His Church is His agency on Earth for salvation, and that these two can never be conjoined except it cause much hurt and leave us with something that we will be at great pains to extricate ourselves from."

That's a strange statement coming from a fellow from Phildelphia.

I think it would be helpfull to include something else I wrote first if I could?:

By all means, I think that goverments can wisely and judicously aid Chrisitian people and the Christian Church by giving it and them liberties and protections which should be given. And by all means the Church can as a whole aid governemtns by praying for their leaders and living quite and good lives.

[b]But, as far as I'm concerned, the two should never ever be mixed to any point where it can no longer and without even the slightest difficulty, distinguish between....

...which is which.[/b]

(emphasis added)

I wanted to include that because I think it is especially relevant in a topic with a subject like this one, where a government's military weapons are being inscribed with refrences to scripture and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The only [b]"opinion"[/b] here that matters about [b]that[/b] is the Lord Jesus Christs', because they are His words, and it is His name and reputation that are being used.

As to what you called 'Abandonment Theology', my opinon here was [u]not[/u] that Christians are fobidden in scripture to particpate in civil governmets as individuals, but that civil government should never become confused or mixed with the Church as a whole.

Which civil governement of the past that has openly and conspicously mixed the two so as to call itself "Christendom" should we begin to examine(if you like) in order to set forth just what evils the Name of Christ has been associated with because of it so that we can see plainly how great a loss and pains the cause of Christ has suffered, in order to know that we need not do it again?

Perhaps we could start with Spain? Or what Columbus did to the natives of America 'under the banner of Christ' while he was Admiral of the open seas, the title granted to him by its monarchs?

I think that the qoute you provided from James Madison says the most of all:

We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the
capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, and to control
ourselves ,to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2010/1/24 22:01Profile

Joined: 2007/11/9
Posts: 16



After reading your post again I think were both in agreement that it's not wise to have a "State" religion. And of course the founders did not want that either. The founders of our country were born in and lived through the revivals of Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield. George Whitefield is buried in Massachusetts in the basement of a church unless they moved him. We have a rich Christian Heritage that has been marginalized and revised. I also understand over the years we Christians have not been the best examples of Jesus Christ.

Every year you see the ACLU attacking “the free exercise thereof” and other symbols of the Christian Faith. In our country there are churches on every corner and the majority of population espouse the Judeo Christian Religion. Since it has been our heritage and the verifiable history of this country I don’t think we should have allowed it to be taken away from the public square. It was taught in our schools for the first 200 years and I think the words of life did a good job keeping us stable. Today your not aloud to post or talk about anything of Christian nature in the school or governmental venues. Which should be left up to the communities to decide. Oh but you can talk about your Muslim religion or your witchcraft or your humanism, all that’s ok. Just don’t mention Jesus Christ or anything he’s associated with . The Separation of Church and state is a farce. It’s not in the Constitution. It was made up. In 1948 it was lifted out of a letter by Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptist Association in which he was reassuring the elders that the Federal Government did not have the power to control the affairs or decisions of the churches in America. It was written 13 years after the debate in which he was not even at the debate, but in 1948 the enemies of God have exulted his statement "building a wall of seperation between Church and State" which has done so much for our society and the cause of Christ.

In 1802 Thomas Jefferson wrote the enabling act for Ohio to become a state and that the government in Ohio needed to be in agreement with the Northwest Ordinance which article III read “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.”

But now the Teachings of the Bible have been ordered struck from the public view in America, the people have to be protected from the Bible. Freedom is the choice to choose Life or Death. In America the choice for individuals to choose to freely share their faith in public has been taken away by the Lie of Separation of Church and state. If a company wants to put scripture references on their products I say God Bless Them! And we need to remember , that there are Just wars. Just wars 3000 years ago, and today. Oh yea, we fight against principalities and powers, that guess what , use people to kill, steal and destroy other innocent people.

It’s flat out wrong, to check your Bible at the door, or your faith at the door when you enter into a school or other governmental venue. Especially when our ancestors came over here in order to practice their religion of choice freely.


 2010/1/25 13:58Profile

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