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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Paul West : Spiritual Forensics

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As we sojourn throughout this world as children of God, a battle to revert us back into our pre-conversion bondage is constantly being waged within our minds. The mind of a believer is like a computer database, with thousands of files surfacing within it throughout the day. Some of these files are components from old downloads flushed to the surface by something we see or hear that brings back a memory, while other times a rogue file may be injected from an outside malicious source. Although it is not necessary to determine whether a file is imported or exported to maintain an undefiled conscience, an accurate discernment of its nature is required if the Christian is to mortify it with effectiveness.

We’ve all done shameful things in our past lives while we lived for the lusts of our flesh according to the spirit of disobedience which works in all the children of Adam. Many of these past doings have become permanently embedded in our minds, the same way a computer keeps indelible tabs on someone’s browsing history and everything they’ve downloaded. The powers of the air that control the ebbing and flowing of the world-system are forensic experts at flushing out these old files from the reserve bank of our memory. They will whisper corrupt suggestions that seem to come from your core being; the tactic behind it is to get you to think the thoughts are yours. In order to prevent a spiritual virus from developing into a stronghold, you must be able to immediately “scan” the suggestion or thought, unmask its wicked genesis, and delete it from your system.

Based on the many shameful things we’ve done before becoming Christians, there are pitfalls all over the road which we need to be aware of. It can be a song, a smell, or a photograph that pulls the computer file out from your mind’s reserve and into the forefront of your active recollection. If mortification is avoided, we can find ourselves suddenly reliving the past event in striking detail. These bouts of ghastly recollections increase over time to keep their corrupt files raw and near to the surface. Dear saints, we must be quick in our banishment of these impure ruminations. Paul himself exercised mental restraint in this area, as disclosed in the letter to the believers in Philippi: “Forgetting those things which are behind me…” (Phil. 3:13-14). One can only imagine the effort of mortification on Paul’s part to keep at bay the haunted memories of a man who once, by his own admission “breathed murder” against the followers of Christ.

There are pitfalls along the way as we follow Christ in this world, a myriad of ghosts rising to the surface to thwart our passage. The powers of hell are able to summon a thousand-and-one surmising impurities to steal your peace. If they cannot make a breach while you are awake, they will try to rape your mind while you sleep. This explains all those filthy dreams that leave you feeling so violated and sinful in the morning. The enemy knows his chances of infiltration without mortification increases significantly when the believer’s mind is wandering along in unsupervised dreamscape.

According to scripture, the mind renewed in Christ is likened as unto a weapon. “…arm yourselves likewise with the same mind…” (I Peter 4:1-2). Have you ever thought of your mind as a piece of armament, a weapon, as a means to mortify sinful impulses? The renewed mind in Christ is just that. It is with the Spirit-renewed mind that we dismantle satanic strongholds, take down ungodly imaginations and decimate anything that dare exalts itself against God’s Word (II Cor. 10:3-5).

Apart from being a mighty weapon when apprehended by the Spirit, the mind is also the channel by which scripture is transferred into the heart when it is obeyed. Once established in the heart, God’s Word becomes a fiery sword of protection. Being renewed in the spirit of your mind is akin to have a loaded cannon trained on the enemy. As soon as he attacks you with lust, a volley of living scripture explodes to repel his assualt. Remain therefore vigilant and sober and girded-up at all times. The forensic experts can surface as many files as they wish, but they will all dissolve in the face of God’s truth.

My dear Christian reader, fortify your mind with God’s Word and hide it well in your heart. Let God’s truth dwell within you richly with all wisdom each day. Wisdom obeyed is light conveyed.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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