 Steve Hill ( - )
Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Steve Hill in mp3 format. Fueled by his own dramatic deliverance from drugs, alcohol and crime in 1975, Steve Hill dedicates his life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. His passion to help those who are hurting and his pursuit of genuine, God-breathed revival have only intensified after years of missionary work, church planting, and evangelistic crusades.
Through a vision, God gave Steve Hill a wake up call for everyone. Heresies and false teachings are becoming a threat to millions! Now he shares this revelation and provides the steps we must take to avoid destruction. Speaking of the new book: Spiritual Avalanche, Jack Hayford says: "A message deserving our ready welcome as a 'word' from the heart of God!"
| | | | Gimmie Some Sugar by Steve Hill
Topic: Christian Life | | Description: Gimme Some Sugar is a serious message delivered out of a direct mandate from the Lord, where Steve exposes the devastating results of slipping away from proclaiming the basic fundamentals of the gospel - the blood and the cross. A trumpet call to every believer, this message will cause you to examine your spiritual diet to see if you've strayed from the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will also arm you to help others who are being led astray by the many winds of doctrine blowing around in the Body of Christ.
| 3618 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | Hell To Pay by Steve Hill
Topic: Hell | | Description: No doubt about it, serial killers, pedophiles, rapists and all who commit heinous crimes deserve to spend an eternity in hell. The truth of the matter is, so does every single person whos ever walked this planet. One day, you will stand before the Righteous Judge to give an account of your life. On that day in the courtroom of heaven, no one will stand beside you. There will be no vote, no jury, no possibility of getting off on a technicality. You will stand alone before God Almighty. What will He say about you? Will you be ready? Steve delivers a timely warning for all to make sure youre ready to stand before God on judgment day.
| 3269 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | | | Keep A Closed Mind by Steve Hill
Topic: Christian Life | | Description: It's good to have open mind. But not when it comes to the fundamentals of the faith. In this age of moral relativism, political correctness, and situational ethics, there is truth and there is error. There is right and wrong. In this vital message, Steve share about the devastating consequences when we move away from the central truths of the Gospel, and the importance of being firmly established in the Faith, no matter what.
| 2296 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | The Call For The Church To Leave The Plains Of Sodom And Gomorrah by Steve Hill
Topic: Repentance Scripture(s): Genesis 13:5-13 | | Description: Brother Steve shares a powerful burdened message from the Lord particularly to the Church in America. He shares a prophetic call to repentance for believers to leave Sodom and Gomorrah in their hearts. There is a great need for preaching on sin, powerful prophetic messages that will lay hearts bare before a Holy God. Judgment day will come for all, we must live in light of it.
| 3943 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | The Days Of Our Flesh by Steve Hill
Topic: Christian Life | | Description: How much time do you have on this earth? No one knows for sure. The Word of God instructs us to number our days. Why? So when you stand before the Lord, youll have crowns to lay at His feet. So youll hear the words, Well done! Are you living for temporal things that will one day pass away? Or for the eternal which lasts for ever? The days of your flesh are numbered, but the days of your spirit are without end. Make sure to invest your life on that which truly matters: eternity!
| 2782 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
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