SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

Profile for lylewise

All about lylewise
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Email:[email protected]
Location:Celina, Texas
Member Since:2009/2/20
Last Login:2014/3/2 9:52

My second greatest concern is that those attending the congregations will recognize that an alter call and confession does not a Christian make. My first, that those attending the congregation will recognize that having knowledge that one answering an alter call and making a confession, does not a Christian make is but a scratch on the surface to understanding how deep rooted and prevalent the problem in the church and their participation in offering assurances without rebirth. As well their own, should they question it and ask God for His assurance, instead of man's which is so fearlessly doled out.<br /><br /> Though no man has a monopoly on salvation, I fear for any man that plays the get out of jail card, bypasses repentance, and proceeds directly to Go.<br /><br />One who has bathed in the WORD and prayer, should not smell of the world.<br /><br />The world will not point one to the tree nor will it ever miss an opportunity to tell one to come down...LR paraphrased<br /><br />Has man ever been different from the want that he should not have and the rejection of what he should?

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