SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

Profile for grace_2008

All about grace_2008
Real Name:Grace
Member Since:2006/10/27
Last Login:2007/8/8 13:40

GOD, give us a revival of hearts, not a revival of ministry and action, but of our hearts returning unto YOU. IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!<br /><br />"Revival is not a few church services, a guest speaker, shouting, a prayer line, and going home after a week. Revival is when ALMIGHTY GOD begins to break men's hearts so that HE can come in and change their hearts(Yes, you're gonna have to give some things up, change.) ; when men let go of everything and live only, ONLY for GOD ALMIGHTY. Revival is when we do ONLY what GOD wants. Revival has no clock, no time schedule. Revival is here and it is breaking forth in AMERICA. NOW Revival is here...GET READY!!!"<br /> -Jennifer Grace<br /> 17 yr. old teen<br /> Wednesday, August 8, '07

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