SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

Profile for Dawn10379

All about Dawn10379
Real Name:Dawn
Member Since:2006/3/29
Last Login:2017/7/20 21:33

God never forces His will on men. He calls them unto Himself, but if they will not follow Him then they have to go their own way. Every time we give up a part of our faith, to try to fit into the ways of the world, we lose it forever. We lose a precious part of Gods promises. Sacrificed to the world, and the world will never give it back. And someday when the world tells us we can no longer have our religion except where they say, and God is driven from our schools and our government and our homes. Then Gods people can look back and know that our religion wasnt taken from us, it was given up, handed over bit by bit until there was nothing left. - Sheffey Movie

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