Hi, I'd like to read the Journal of George Fox anda book mentioned in an Art Katz sermon namedRepentance: The Secret of a Joy Filled Life.(I could not clearly get the German woman's name that wrote this book).I have not been able to find these, and was hoping someone knew of a website or publisher I could order these from..thank you,ruthiepoothie
_________________Ruth Westbrook
The book Art Katz was referring to was written by Basilea Schlink. She has been a blessing to me, there are several sermons and articles from her right here on SI. You can pick up the book you mentioned for very cheap at Amazon.com, here's a link...[url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871235927/ref=cm_lm_fullview_prod_1/002-1803348-5251213?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155]Repentence: The Joy Filled Life[/url]Looks like the Fox journal can be found cheap at Amazon also...[url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0913408247/002-1803348-5251213?v=glance&n=283155]Journal of Geroge Fox[/url]In Christ,Ron
_________________Ron Halverson
thank you!In His Grip,Ruth
Dear Ruthiepoothie,One time I was looking for the journal of George Whitefield. I went to various Christian Stores and couldn't turn it up. It was eventually found at one of the large secular book stores, Barnes and Noble, near a university town. If you are near any of the large book chains like Barnes and Noble, Dalton, or any other, try them if the Christian book stores don't have them.
_________________Gary Eckenroth
Thank you for the tip,I instinctively went to websites where I knew that some rare christian books were sold..... so I was humbly thankful that In the Light Ron found them easily on amazon.com (thanks again!)ruth