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Joined: 2005/11/17
Posts: 370
Bloomington, IN

 spanish gospel

I'm going to Guatemala next week but don't speak much Spanish. Does anyone know of any good gospel presentations (Law, hell, grace, repentance, etc.) that I could print off in tract form to take? I was going to get some of Ray Comfort's stuff in spanish, but things didn't work out as I hoped and now I can't afford to get them in the next 3 days. If anyone has any ideas or resources, it would be much appreciated.

Thanksgiving and Blessings,

Denver McDaniel

 2006/3/7 23:04Profile

Joined: 2005/11/17
Posts: 370
Bloomington, IN

 Re: spanish gospel

anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

just thought i would get this back on the front page to get some more reads. thanks in advance for any resources

Denver McDaniel

 2006/3/9 17:17Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi BeYeDoers...!

I apologize that it has taken so long to respond. I will check with a few individuals and get back with you.

As much as I disagree with Chick Publications on many doctrinal issues, I do believe that they have some good tracts. I know a couple of individuals that attribute the tract [i]This Is Your Life[/i] as a major factor in their salvation.

Anyway, I will let you know if I hear of anything else!



 2006/3/9 21:48Profile

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