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Joined: 2006/3/5
Posts: 29
"No Certain dwellingplace"

 Abide in Christ

I have found that the book 'Abide in Christ' by Andrew Murray is a very good way top start the day. Also another Andrew Murray book entitled 'With Christ in the School of Prayer' is an amazing devotional study. However, in my recent personal experiance I have been pondering the reality that God Almighty actually dwells within me. That may sound stupid, but when that truth is meditated upon and studied and prayed over, it has the power to change your life and ministry.

Evan Schaible

 2006/3/5 9:04Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Abide in Christ

Yes, brother thats a great recommendation, I find most of Andrew Murray's works as ones that you cannot read through in one sitting but rather they are perfect for bite sized mediations daily. I think some of his books such as "abide in christ" were specifically made for this purpose.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/3/5 15:48Profile

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