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Joined: 2006/1/26
Posts: 189
mountains of Pa.

 How many Christian know the truth?

Let me ask a ??? do you think the God of the old testament,is the same god of the koran.,well I hope your is No. do you know anything about the koran.i seen the history of this book on, the History ch.It's mind blowing the book claims to be the God of the old testament,and the book claims to give clear interpretion on oT story's.also the book claims ,that Jesus never died on the cross,that someone else took his place.The frist thing that came to mind, this teaching of the anti-christ

 2006/3/3 3:40Profile

 Re: How many Christian know the truth?

Muslims trace their ancestory back to Abraham... which is correct in that Abraham begot Ismeal. (Not sure I spelled his name right)

So it does make sense that they claim they serve the God of the OT. However, thats all it is... a claim. If they truly served the God of the OT, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... then their God sure fought against them an awful lot.

To be sure... Allah is not God.

And praise the Lord Jesus [b]did[/b] die on the cross, and one day even Osama's knee will bow before Him... but with a lot of sweat beading up on his forehead.


 2006/3/3 7:33

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: invistigate before discussing

The frist thing that came to mind, this teaching of the anti-christ

Greenquality, have you read the Koran yourself to see what it says about Christ?

I know an evangelical missionary in South Africa who minsters to the Muslims - and also writes material for them. He (and his wife)invite them into his home, shows hospitality, and then he uses their Koran to lead them to Christ. He finds all kinds of hints there about Christ that he capitalizes on. Many Muslims have been saved through his ministry - at a great RISK to their lives. Of course he introduces them to our Bible.

I hope that you don't immediately discard these words into your "box" called heretical/anti-Christ. You have to learn more about this Christian missionary and what he does. If you are interested in finding out more about his ministry, how he uses the Koran, I can give you his email address. You might like to receive his prayer letters.


 2006/3/3 8:20Profile

Joined: 2006/1/26
Posts: 189
mountains of Pa.


Let me explain what i know, about the word (anti)the word meaning today is used=[u]one who opposes[/u]But I think for good reason, that the word anti mean (alike) another meaning could be = coke and pepsi which one is the real coke?.do you see where I'm getting with this.satan shows his (anti) in the (temptation)look at (Matt ch 4 ver 6)satan is Quote scriputure to are Lord Jesus Christ,now read what he is quoteing from ps91:11,12Now put them side by side what is the difference??? three words that he adds=[u]At any time[/u]and this changes the meaning of ps 91:11,12 Lord answer[b]It is written again,Thou shalt Not Tempt The Lord THY GOD.[/b]

 2006/3/3 18:37Profile

Joined: 2005/11/8
Posts: 619


If they truly served the God of the OT, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...

Amen, The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Abraham is a type of the Father, Issac is a type of the Son offered up on Mount Moriah, and Jacob is a type of the Transforming Spirit. Jacob was transofmed from Jacob to Isreal, the Isreal of God.

The Muslim religion has no redeemer, has no Christ and has no indwelling Spirit. Therefore the God of the Muslim's is not the Triune God of the Old or New Testament. They worship God as creator, but not as redeemer and indwelling Life. They worship as creatures bowing down to God, but not as sons of God redeemed and regenerated with His Life to be His many sons with His Life and Nature.

Christ did not come to restore the creature/Creator relationship, that is found in natural religion. Rather, Christ came to redeem us to God and to impart Himself into us making us sons of God with His Life and His Nature to be the many sons of God , to produce the body of Christ and to be the dwelling place of God.

These things are forign to the Muslim religion.

"As many as recieved Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe into His Name who were... born of God".

Grafted Branch

 2006/3/13 12:40Profile

 Re: How many Christian care about the truth?

Hey Boss, they claim! they claim!

And thats all they can do is claim. Do you notice something happening in the world today?

The LORD wills that this religion railroad our Faith. Why?

For one reason is that we are on the fence, we are just playing out our lives without even bothering with what the world is doing. We read and watch whats going on, we think, "Oh my God, thats terrible", but walk away doing our own thing.

We don't care, I for one do not care. I am sleeping, I am dead!

Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.

Who shall stand in the gap?

I have heard recently that the believers in England have prayed much for their country, and the LORD has spoken with the assurance that no major disasters will come against that nation for 5 years. Only time will tell if that prophecy is true.

Do we believe God today for that same thing for us in our country?

I hope that I will awaken and put on Christ, and get together with like minded men and seek God and stand in the gap for this generation until we get results. I am sick of myself!

 2006/3/13 13:43

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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