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Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


When I got saved I got saved from carnal music that does nothing for my soul and only appeals to my flesh.

Ravenhill: Come on what did you get saved from..?


 2006/2/21 11:50Profile


I've never understood the argument that Christians should abstain from music that appeals to the "flesh". I agree that worldly music needs to be avoided for the most part, no argument there. But I've heard many many arguments against certain styles of music that "appeals" to the flesh. What does that mean? We should only listen to music that doesnt appeal to us? That doesnt even make sense. We're more holy if we listen to music that we find repulsive?

Anyone understand what I'm saying?


 2006/2/21 12:18

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


Are you referring to Christ centered music or non??

David Wilkerson has a great message on worldy music but I dont know where to find it?


 2006/2/21 13:01Profile


I'm talking about Christian music... does anyone here feel that certain styles of music can not be God honoring? If so, why?


 2006/2/21 13:06

Joined: 2005/11/27
Posts: 26
Houston, Tx

 Re: What christian music do people listen to?

I am listening to Jimmy Needham, this great Christian from College Station in Texas who loves the Lord. And I am also listening to Keith Green
The Ministry Years. I love this music so much. This is true Christian music.

Brother in Christ Eloy.


deltadom wrote:
I am just wondering what christian music people listen to.
A straw pole.

I have been listening to Israel Houghton, New Irish Hymns and others. I normally stick to things from Integrity Music and others.

Eloy Lopez

 2006/2/21 13:13Profile

Joined: 2004/4/23
Posts: 663
Escondido, California


I would have to agree with saltlicker20 concerning the worship movement with leaders like Chris Tomlin and David Crowder. I also like Tim Hughes. I've been blessed with worship songs from Mercy Me, Bebo Norman, Casting Crowns, Tree 63... and I'm sure there's others I'm not thinking of right now.

Christian artists that I favor the most are ones with really deep, soul-searching lyrics. Among those artists are Jars of Clay, Jennifer Knapp and Fernando Ortega.

Again, I listen to such a wide genre of music, I haven't even begun to list [i]all[/i] the artists I listen to and am inspired by.

Yolanda Fields

 2006/2/21 14:16Profile

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


I dont believe because we listen to spiritual music it makes us spiritual. We may FEEL spiritual during a song, BUT we can sense God in a song, and He can draw us to Himself through a song by His presence from the song we listen to..(wait, I have to re-read that my self)

God honoring? ANYTHING that is not Christ centered doesnt honor God. If my preaching doesnt..If my teaching...If my life doesnt...
Paul said "we preach CHRIST..."


 2006/2/21 14:32Profile


God honoring? ANYTHING that is not Christ centered doesnt honor God. If my preaching doesnt..If my teaching...If my life doesnt...

Yes, everything we do must be Christ-centered. The pleasure that comes from music though can be done Christ-centered. God does not want us to relinquish all pleasures, even 'seemingly' worldly ones that aren't written with Christ all over it boldly. He gave us this world for us to enjoy it through glorifying and worshiping Him. Solomon talked about enjoying the pleasures of everyday life as glorifying to God. I take music as a gift from God. (Creativity.)

I don't think there is any difference thus (or should be, in the Christian life) between spiritual and secular music. If your a Christian, your going to only listen to music that is God-honoring. If you are listening to music that is God-dishonoring, then I don't know how you can do it and still claim your honoring God. (Phi. 4:8 too)

Personally, when I was saved I stopped listening to my rock music and whatnot. Not only because it was dishonoring to God, but I just lost interest in it.

I don't like most if not all of the Christian Contemporary Music. It lacks a 'vital reality' of God and His Holiness. It tries to glorify God while, in my opinion, does a sloppy job at it. Keith Green is a prime exception.

 2006/2/21 15:06

Joined: 2006/2/21
Posts: 1


i listen to stuff like:

misty edwards
jason upton
selah project
mostly anything from ihop

also i love all enter the worship circle
100 portraits


 2006/2/21 15:08Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


To me, there is a certain type of music that is not Godly. Have you ever heard a beat of a song and then you thought.. man I just want to do somehting crazy! You might get that crazy streak going when you listen to it.

I don't really know how to explain what I'm talking about. I think this effects younger people more so than others... it can effect me. I know I have heard music christian lyrics or not, that can send impulses through me and make me want to do something 'wild.' Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

That's just me. I may be the only 'weirdo' out there. :-)

Josh Parsley

 2006/2/21 16:07Profile

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