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Joined: 2007/2/9
Posts: 640
Southern California

 Re: Praying for you all


I wish you all were coming to the San Diego, California area. It's beautiful, particularly at this time of year, when it's cool and green.

Perhaps next year - I don't live near enough to host, but if we know ahead of time, I'm sure we can find and SI in San Diego. If not, there are great hotels that don't cost much during the week.

Praying for you all, for safety, and that your prayers be effective.


Forrest Anderson

 2007/3/22 0:16Profile

 Re: Dorcas - Traveling mercies

Thx UWR,

I'm looking forward to meeting California one day.. ... maybe not next year, though.

All prayers are appreciated as I've decided to leave my (new) laptop behind, and communicate by voice. I will be posting when I can but not necessarily giving a running commentary. Perhaps others could put in some of the detail?

My journey begins in half an hour.

Thank you all for your love. May the Lord knit our hearts together.


 2007/3/25 23:01

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Hi everyone.

Just a quick reminder that some of our brothers and sisters from SI had planned to meet together today in Ohio.

All goodness and graciousness of God be theirs.


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/3/31 18:06Profile

Joined: 2005/12/9
Posts: 150
Cleveland, OH


All goodness and graciousness of God be theirs.

How quicky prayers are answered, even if they be typed...

You are probaly still in the U.S. today Linn, so you are in my prayers (as well as the others) for a safe trip home.

Sean Hobson

 2007/4/1 19:15Profile

 Re: Dorcas - Traveling mercies


Thanks Sean. It was great to meet and talk with you over the weekend. We are all still talking about it.

Later on Saturday, Mike, Daryl, me, Dian and Diane spent some time in prayer.

On Monday, Diane and I met Daryl's family and saw the church where he ministers locally, and had another precious time together.

Diane (roadsign) and I are now at Jeff's (rookie's), and I'm intending to meet others in Pennsylvania later this week. 8-)

 2007/4/3 21:08

Joined: 2007/2/9
Posts: 640
Southern California

 Re: Continue in safety and return home in health.

Glad you are having a great time - am praying for your safety and enjoyment.


Forrest Anderson

 2007/4/4 7:32Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: my trip to the USA

My trip was amazing – a blessing beyond what words could express. It was a joy to share in person – to see our SIers in their home and community settings and with their families. I had some fabulous visits with wives too (and at one point jokingly suggested a support group for SI “widows” – you know, like “golf widows”)

I must say that I noticed how naturally verbose SI’ers are – obviously accustomed to communicating their deep thoughts, thanks to SI. Rookie just couldn’t stop taking about the Lord and the Word! Thankfully I got a good pic of him at the computer writing his morning post for SI. In general, I found it a blessing to be able to talk about spiritual things and be understood. It was as if we have known each other for years.

Dorcas is somewhat of a troubadour – traveling with guitar on her back, wearing boots, long skirt, and shawl. Sometimes we sang songs together as we traveled. I caught her sewing a few times, and got a picture of her with needle and thread and buttons. (Dorcas is definitely an appropriate nickname for Linn.) She and I made great traveling companions, marvelously adjusting to each other – me preferring to gallop, and her preferring to stop and “graze” frequently. I got to know more about her on an 8 hr bus trip between Columbus and Harrisburg PA. That helped me understand her like never before. She is indeed a workmanship of God – in the making.

As I listened to the various testimonies of God’s dealings in various lives, I became acutely aware of the insurmountable challenge of maintaining ethical integrity in a world so hostile to God’s principles – be it in acting, business, art, music, family, and even in church. We do indeed need to support one another in prayer and fellowship. It’s a tough world out there.

Seeing Neil’s play in Chicago helped me appreciate his ability to subtly weave Godly ethics into his script. I think that is the challenge for us all - to let light shine through the cracks.

No doubt I will incorporate many of the spiritual lessons I learned on my trip into future posts, as they fit in.



 2007/4/7 10:09Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: streams in the desert

Hi everyone.

My wife and I were so blessed to be able to spend some time with Dorcas on Thursday and Friday here in Philadelphia.

Diane shared this in her post and my wife had said something almost exactly the same

"It was as if we have known each other for years."

I give thanks to God.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/4/7 16:46Profile

Joined: 2005/4/26
Posts: 376
Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania


Yes, it was a blessing to have a visit by Dorcas and Rookie at my house. Though I haven't been feeling well lately, the hours they were around seemed to revive me both spiritually and physically. It was one of those days where the time just slipped away because of enjoying the fellowship.

Peace to all,

Gary Eckenroth

 2007/4/7 17:09Profile



I am just learning of your adventures, but I truly hope and pray that everything goes according to His will.

May you represent Him and His glory and may your presence be a blessing of flowing water to all that you meet.

Take the time to smell the flowers, because you never know whom God will stop along your very path.

God Bless those that go...

 2007/4/7 17:39

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