[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/tozerdev.gif[/img]Infinite and Eternal No one was ever saved other than by grace, from Abel to the present moment. Since mankind was banished from the eastward Garden, none has ever returned to the divine favor except through the sheer goodness of God. And wherever grace found any man it was always by Jesus Christ. Grace indeed came by Jesus Christ, but it did not wait for His birth in the manger or His death on the cross before it became operative. Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The first man in human history to be reinstated in the fellowship of God came through faith in Christ. In olden times men looked forward to Christ's redeeming work; in later times they gaze back upon it, but always they came and they come by grace, through faith. We must keep in mind also that the grace of God is infinite and eternal. As it had no beginning, so it can have no end, and being an attribute of God, it is as boundless as infinitude.PrayerThank You, Lord, for Your great grace through which men and women in the past and men and women still today come into Your presence. For more info:[url=http://www.cmalliance.org/devotions/tozer/tozer.jsp]http://www.cmalliance.org/devotions/tozer/tozer.jsp[/url]