I recieved this from my daughter, and was blessed by the meditation it brought to my day. It fit into my time of devotion, and pray it blesses yours.TheAllower of Anguishis ALSO theAnswer in AnxietyBrother in BurdensConfidence in ConfusionCourage in CalamityDefender in DifficultyDeliverer in DistressFortress in FrailtyFaith in FearsGlorious Grace in GriefHope in HardshipI AM in InsecurityJoy in our JourneyOpen arms in OppressionProvision in PovertyPraise in PainPeace in ProblemsQuietness in QuestionsRest in ResistanceSustainer in StarvationSufficiency in SufferingTower in TurmoilTrust in TrialsUnwavering in UncertaintyWealth in Weakness
_________________Alan and Dina Martin
That's something good to think on. Thanks for sharing.
_________________Josh Parsley
Courage in Calamity
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Thank you makrothumia, thank you to your daughter.
_________________Mike Balog
Brother,I just found out from my daughter, itwas her husband who wrote it. :-) Butthey are one...and our Heavenly Father gets all the glory for these sweet meditations He give us.
This little poem is really full of encouraging pictures of the Lord. I wouldn't be surprised if it found it's way to many people all over the world!MC
_________________Mike Compton